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A/n: I have to cool it with the author's notes but I like to talk so ayyy. Hope this one is less garbage than whatever else I write, it's still gonna be shit tho, I wrote most of it while I was pissed off and didn't feel like editing, lol. But I don't hate this plus I have a lot more planned, it's more than just "huh this sounds good let's see how the rest goes." Enjoy suckers, cuz it's gonna be aight. Maybe.


Poor you. It was going to be a night to remember, full of fun and games, and sweets and laughter. Instead, you were alone.

No one wants a lame-ass like you, you thought. Not anyone you knew. It made perfect sense to you. You had never had many friends, but it wasn't nearly as apparent as it was on this Halloween night, as you sat on the crowded streets, all dressed up in your cute little costume, tears flowing from your eyes.

Why did they pick on you? Why? You never did anything to them. To anyone, really. It was easy to be nice when there wasn't anyone to be mean to in the first place.

All you wanted was someone to spend the night with, laughing and chatting and feeling part of a group. But no, you had to be cast out as usual, called nasty names, or just simply ignored.

Ordinarily, it didn't get to you. But it was a special night. The air all around town smelled of candy and chocolate and popcorn, and everyone was smiling, and there were children playing and running. The happy mood and the cheerful groups of children seemed to be rubbing it in your face.

That's when you sank to the ground, your perfectly pressed Alice dress now wrinkled. The tears messed up your makeup and came pouring down in black streaks on your face. Nobody noticed or offered to help, there wasn't even a single "what's the matter?"

It could have been for the best. Before anyone stopped to poke fun at the pathetic crying girl, or to throw candy at her, or to laugh at her sadness, you stood up and ran through town, practically hysterical with your sobs.

We're you being dramatic? Maybe. But you didn't care.

You ended up outside of town, far far away from the Halloween celebrations taking place. The sewers weren't what you would usually have in mind when it came to quality alone time, but they were dark and secluded, and no one was going to laugh at you for crying.

You imagined what they would say; "Awww, poor baby y/n! She's crying, so sad!" They'd tease you, and then you'd cry some more, and they'd laugh some more, in a seemingly never ending cycle. And you hated them. You wanted to be accepted, you wanted to be their friend. But you hated them.

Already the loneliness was creeping in on you but you kept going, stepping through the dirty water before finally settling on a spot against the wall.

You slipped, and the water splashed around you. That did it. Your sobs echoed through the tunnels, and you wondered why you even bothered to get out of bed.

"Poor girl, crying on her own. You don't have any friends, do you?"

Someone giggled from deeper in the sewers. You looked up, clutching your now wet dress in fear. "Wh-what?"

"Oh yes! I can tell, you don't have anyone! That's why you're crying by yourself! So very sad. Boo hoo!"

You hiccuped, makeup running down your face. "N-no..."

"N-no..." the voice mimicked, before laughing hysterically. It terrified you, and you pulled your legs to your chest.

A red balloon floated in front of you, and very slowly, you reached up to try and touch it. But before you could, it popped, and in its place stood a clown, very tall and thin. It startled your tears away momentarily.

Cut Me Open //Pennywise X Reader (HIATUS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ