Introduction to my Sin - Chapter 1

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     May 17, 2017, the day that changed my life. It was the day that I finally met some people that shared how I felt about the world and it's sadidistic ways. I also became the biggest killer, named "Gluttony," in a gang called "The Seven Deadly Sins." Our leader, Wrath, met me and took my rage that was wasted on petty things and taught me how to be a dedicated killer. From a young age, classmates always hated me for no reason, and doctors always said I had a couple screws loose, but when I met Wrath, he tought me that my hate towards life had made the people I grew up around radiate the same hate.
   Oh riiiight, May 17, things changing and whatnot.
     To set the scene, we're going to have a little bit of backround first. My name is Jaicho Dedbeat, and I grew up as the oldest child in my family, followed by my two annoying sisters. My family never shows up to my performances at my school, and when I was asked to prom, my parents told me I couldn't go. I was never paid much attention, and anytime I would try to get my parents attention, they would ask my doctor to add medications to my already long list of prescriptions.
   The day is May 17, the day of my high school graduation. It is nine P.M. and everybody was leaving with their parents, but I was sitting I the curb, pulling out my phone to see what my dad had texted me before the ceremony. "Can't make it, walk home." Typical. My parents were the type to always do this, claiming they had something more important to do.
   I stood up, groaning at my hurt back from slouching down, and turned towards the road to get home, and was stopped in my tracks. Terra Leclerc, a whole head shorter than me, short hair, deep eyes, and an aura sorrounding her that made you think, "damn, she's cute."
   I shrugged, and made my way past her, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. As I was walking home, I turned onto a really odd street. I don't know why I did it, but I just wanted to see what happened if I took the long way home, if my parents would really care or not. The street I happened to be walking down is called "Old Man Road," due to the mass amount of retirement homes and mental hospitals. Nobody likes walking down this road, it's dark, creepy, and it feels like somebody is watching you. I looked up ahead to see how far down the road I've come, and saw something a little strange. A figure, about as tall as me, (which in this area is a strange thing, I'm 6'2", and don't know anyone as tall as me) walking about a blocks length ahead of me. Curious about the crazy person, I started following them. They turned onto a more popular street, keeping the same pace as before, until out of nowhere, they burst into a full sprint, loose clothing flapping behind them. Already embedded with curiosity, I sprinted after them, and followed them right into an alleyway.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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A Tainted Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें