Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy it so far and please keep reading because in one of the upcoming chapter, there will be A BIG CONFLICT!

So I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to vote, ok? Thanks :)


"Look, I'm sorry that I didn't listened to you, when you were introducing yourself", trying to explain myself.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. And anyways, we started over right?", Cory said.

OMG. I do NOT recall us starting over. Did I miss something?

Wait, did he consider us saying Hi to each other as starting over? Gosh, complicated ALREADY.

The thing is, he's just like so calm. And Zen. And from how he's dressed, he seems modest, and uncomplicated.

Yet, our conversation made nearly no sense. At least to me.

I want us to have a nice start, you know. Cause like I'm trying to figure out if I have REAL feelings for him. And I'm on the verge of making a conclusion.

I'm the kind of person who knows what she wants. But with him, I'm torn.

I think he's got everything he needs to be considered a good boyfriend material. There's just one condition that I'm not sure he qualifies.

His people skill.

I mean, I barely know how he interacts, and I barely know if he's loyal or not.

Loyalty is the key to a perfect relationship.

And a perfect relationship is always locked.

But wait, I just realized something. Why am I already getting to this? I barely know anything about him. Everything that I mentioned about him being a perfect boyfriend material were all just raw assumptions.

I guess me assuming that he had all those perfect qualities were just a sign of me having real feelings for him.

I had this weird, new feeling when I first introduced myself to Cory. And the thing is, I rarely remember people's name. Usually after they repeat their name like 3 times, then it gets stuck in my memory. But no. This time it was different. He just said it once (to me). And his name, even his full name is not going away.

Cory McLaine. Cory McLaine. Cory McLaine.

You see my point? It's stuck in my head.

But, because I'm gonna be stuck sitting next to him for the rest of the year, I guess it wouldn't be a problem that I remember his name. And I guess it wouldn't be a problem just sitting next to him. I mean, he's handsome, so he's most likely smart too.

So, I'm concluding that this could be a mutually beneficial relationship. For the both of us. I don't see his benefit, yet, but it'll come.

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

At that moment, I was just, well how do we put it, umm...zoning out.

It could be considered daydreaming, but nah.

This zoning out thing that I had going on was during math class. Well at least I think it was math class. I was doing a math project so, yeah.

While I was doing my math project, something nerve-racking happened. (Although that's just a form of hyperbole) It was like my heart was beating out of my chest.

Flynn Larsen came up to me. And like we talked. We talked! I really wanted to scream at that moment, but I kept it in.

I can play it cool.

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