I bang my head harshly against the ceiling above me, my dream forcing my body into a hypnic jerk. I rub my sore forehead, squinting my eyes shut in pain. I sit in bed a few moments, my mind spinning, trying to comprehend the dream. Who was that man? Why did I feel weak around him? Why couldn't I tear my eyes away from his beautiful features? Since when do I think of any man as beautiful? Why couldn't I bring myself to fight? These questions chase each other around my head, the answers floating beyond reach. I stretch my arms over my head as much as the small space will allow, and feel my kitten leap up onto my lap. She meows at me, and rubs her head into my palm, purring happily. She trots over to the small door and pauses, waiting to go outside. I kick my blanket off with a groan, and kick my bare foot against the door a few times to get it open. On the third try, it busts open, allowing blinding sunlight to fill the darkness in the small cabin. I shield my eyes against it, rubbing the sleep out of them, before following the little kitten outside.

The sun is high in the sky, but not yet at midday position. I look down at my shadow, and out at the sea, calculating our position. Judging from these tells, I hypothesize that it must be about nine in the morning, or a little after. I turn around to look towards the Isle of the Lost, and feeling the slight wind at my back. Doing some more mental calculations, I guess that it will take about three hours, give or take, to reach our destination, so we will arrive at around midday. I hear my kitten meow, and turn to see her pawing at the food hatch.

"You hungry, kitty?"I ask, walking over and sitting on the board seat near the hatch. I lean down and open the trapdoor, revealing what food I have left. I dig for the canteen and bowl I feed the kitty with, feeling the remaining milk slosh inside. "This is the last bit, so you better drink it all. After this you'll have to make do with water and fish." She meows in response as I take off the cap and pour the milk into the bowl. As soon as I set it down, she goes over to it and begins lapping up her breakfast. I reach the canteen over the side of the boat, filling it with water and pouring it back out to rinse it before tossing it into the food hatch. I grab an apple and the last bit of bread for my breakfast. The apple is warm and sweet, the juices dribbling down my chin. I wipe my chin with my sleeve, and stare across the waves, just admiring the blue water. I see something coming towards me in the sky. As it comes closer, I see that it is a pigeon. The bird lands on the side of the boat, and I see that it has a small cylinder secured to its stomach with small leather straps. I tear off a small piece of bread, and offer it to the bird, who takes it gratefully. Then I twist the cap off of the small cylinder. Reaching a finger inside, I remove the rolled up piece of parchment there, carefully placing the cap onto the board beside me. I unroll the scroll, and begin reading the novel-length letter.

Enna Sparrow,
In response to your letter detailing your plan to leave your father, Captain Jack Sparrow's ship, the Black Pearl, and embark on your own venture to the Isle:
Thank you for notifying me of your plans. I have no objection to you leaving the vessel of your father. In fact, I wish to encourage you to follow your heart. But I urge caution once you arrive on the Isle. The villains on the Isle, as well as their children, are there for a reason. Though many of the children from the Isle now reside in Auradon, those we were unable to prove the good intentions of were sent back. These people had anger and hatred, and plots that would have put the kingdom, and all in it, at risk. These people are dangerous. Scheming and manipulative and underhanded. Though they are trapped on the Isle and have no access to magic, they are still dangerous. I should know.
Recently, as you may or may not know, Mal left Auradon to return to the Isle, unhappy with the pressures of becoming a lady of the court. Evie, Jay, and Carlos went with me to retrieve her, and I was captured by Uma, daughter of Ursula, and her pirate crew. I was held for ransom, my release only possible if Uma received Fairy God Mother's magic wand. Mal and the VK' s outsmarted Uma, giving her a fake wand and we escaped back to Auradon. But Uma followed us, and used her mother's necklace and Mal' s spell book to put me under a love spell. This spell almost cost me Mal, and after a fight between Uma as a sea witch and Mal as a dragon, Uma returned to the Isle. My guess is she still resides there, a sinister plot brewing in her mind.
All I'm trying to say is to be careful. I have no doubt of your abilites, but do not underestimate the VK's.
In response to your request to come to Auradon when the wish arises:
I would love to welcome you to Auradon. I will have a place made ready for you right away. I hope your ventures take you where you wish.

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