I'm just a kid

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      Damian stared at the father he had only met two days ago. The man in question now wearing an outfit that suspiciously resembled that of Gotham's resident Vivgaantie

     "How did you get down here?" Bruce demanded deepening his voice to appear more intimidating.

     "Oh please, I was raised by the League of Assassins" Damian pointed out as he looked over the cave "So when do I get to go on patrol with you?"

     "I work alone," Bruce said changing back into his civilian clothing, "I think your mom made a huge mistake I don't know how to raise kids"

     "Mother says she sent me to help you" Damian stated "and I'm not a kid, I'm the grandson of the demon's head so there is no reason I can't come on patrol with you"

     "The answer is still no" Bruce groaned rolling his eyes 'Are all kids as annoying as this one'

Much later

     "I know you're there" Bruce called standing in front of the batmobile "Come out" Slowly the small boy climbed over the seat of the vehicle and out.

     "You know I will just sneak out after you're gone" It was true. Bruce and Damian had been locked in a battle of wills for the last couple of weeks. He would install more and more security measures only for the little assassin to bypass everyone.

     "Fine," Bruce groaned pinching the bridge of his nose "but you need a costume"

     "Already taken care of" Damian nodded running upstairs seconds later he came back down wearing a red Keikogi with dark brown pants and a light brown cape.

     "You look like a bird" Bruce mused "We should call you Robin"

     "Like the tiny bird? Absolutely not" Damian glared at him but the name was kept.

Time skip a few years
      "I could have handled that myself" Damian snapped as he stormed out of the cave.

      "Damian You almost cost the mission because of your stupid pride" Bruce yelled coming up behind him.

     "I wonder where he gets that from," Alfred mussed standing by the entrance with a tray of cookies.

     "You don't trust me enough" Damian glared "I could get more respect anywhere else"

     "No one is keeping you here" Bruce opened the door.

     "Fine" Damian snapped walking out. Bruce stared in shock, his only son was gone.

Days later
     Tim Drake pulled out his camera to take a quick picture of Batman standing on top of the police station. He noticed that a figure was missing. Where was Robin? Or Damian Wayne as Tim had figured out both Robin and Batman's identities. He decided to do some snooping.

5 hours later
     "Hello, Mr.Wayne," a very tiny Tim said in a shaky voice as he stood in front of the Batman. Bruce stared in shock unable to comprehend how this little child had found out his secret.

     "You know" Tim gave a small nod "Have you told anyone?"

     "No sir" he felt his chest tighten up.

     "Good" Bruce paused seeing that the boy wanted to ask something "Is there something you wanted?"

     "Where is Robin?" Tim asked curiously.

     "I think you'd better get back to the party," Bruce said looking away. Tim hadn't set out to be Robin. He saw that Bruce was getting careless and taking way more injuries than he needed to, so he tried to get Bruce to make up with Damian. When that didn't work he started following Bruce.

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