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Ah, hello. I would say good morning, but when is it ever a good morning? I can't remember the last time a morning was good, here on Lonely Street. Must have been quite a while since. 

Here: take your room key and go already. I don't need you mopping around any longer - you know, this carpet has already been stained by many, many tears already. We've got the largest collection of tears; we don't have room for yours.

What was that - why do we dress in black? It's mourning wear - only we wear it in the evenings, too. 

Let me guess: you're yet another brokenhearted lovesick pup? Yes, I didn't even have to ask. It is the 'norm' as I've heard it put. Not that there is anything we can change about that.

Here, Ernie will take your bags. Take the elevator. It's filled with nothing but the sound of our other guests' crying. Probably yours, too. It's not the lightest atmosphere hear at Heartbreak. It's a real Heartbreaker, you could say.

Here - go on now - before I start crying myself. Oh, how I wish the sun would come out, just for a while. Maybe, it'll dry away our tears as quick as they fall. 

Enjoy your stay here at Heartbreak Hotel. It's not the most fancy, but it'll make due. Try not to cry your eyes completely out tonight, darling. There'll be time for that tomorrow. Enjoy your stay.

Heartbreak HotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora