october 16

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apush: we don't have a chapter to read for Monday!!! but we have a huge test to study for!!! lit lit.

math: so i got hella confused with the homework but one problem might be wrong idk. i understand it so well, a lot better then most people in that class and this is supposedly the hardest concept this trimester

chem: our teacher was gone and we had the funny sub and he made me laugh and i didn't want to but hey. be happy. and the guy who i think is cute in that class broke out which shows he's human so no too mad about that tbh. but 2 girls at my table are the most obnoxious people. one girl across from me was chewing her gum in the most obnoxious way. and then she'd laugh and URGHHH it was so gross and you know that's my biggest pet peeve. and the to the left of me was sniffing wow i just wanted to kill myself right then. i have no problem eating by myself just so i don't have to listen to anyone else's disgusting noises

spanish: so some guy made a comment as a joke and said "your brown so you should be able to speak spanish". it was a total joke but our teacher said like it's not correct to profile like that. and then she used cameron diez for an example and did like "she's blonde and blue eyes but she's Latino". and this one freshie (the one I think is kinda cute not gonna lie) said "wait is she a teacher here?". funniest moment of my day. i did not stop laughing for like 5mins

i fell asleep studying today and that made me quite mad but im definitely sick so probably should have slept but school idk man

nothing gets me more heated then men who don't know women and like to think they do. im never gonna tell them how to control their bodies and they don't know shit about mine. urgh. GETS ME HEATED. and that was a real problem this weekend and when i got home i watched a great video. women are never gonna know what men go through and men are NEVER gonna know how women's bodies feel. honestly never gonna take advice from men. they don't know shit

got a hair waver and im excited to use it whooop whoop.

and my secret dancer came through omg a bae i wanna meet her like now. she's such a bae and she's young because her handwriting is messy wow i love her  already

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