Part 25(Kenzie's POV)

Start from the beginning

          Before I could say anything, Peter peeked back into the apartment. "Don't go anywhere, okay? I'll be right back."

          The door closed. "Okay," I whispered.

          Still looking at the door, I said, "Do you think Ned's okay?" When no response came from Lucy, I looked over at her. Her eyes were glued to her phone, and she appeared to have not heard me at all.

          I rolled my eyes. "Lucy. Lucy!"

         She jerked a little bit and lowered her phone, lifting her eyes up to me. "Hm?"

          I sighed softly, my throat clenching as I decided what words to say. "Is there a reason you said what you did about Peter a minute ago? About him finally losing something?"

          Lucy's left eyebrow rose. "What do you mean?"

          "I know you're, like, the queen of sarcasm and everything, but there's always some truth behind it. This time, I could actually hear it. What's going on?" I pushed.

          Lucy shrugged. "Well, yeah. Peter is basically the poster child-- he's the best boyfriend, the smartest guy in the school-- according to you, he's the living embodiment of the perfect guy for you we've been dreaming up since the first grade," she chuckled softly to herself.

          I stared at her, a pang of anticipation racing through my body. "What do you mean, 'according to me'? Do you-- do you not think so?"

          Lucy's shoulders drooped, and she set her phone down on the ground. "Look. Peter's a great guy and everything. He really is." she paused, her tone of voice so vague that I couldn't tell whether she was going to continue on or not.

          "So, what's the problem?"

          "That's exactly the problem. I can't find one. It's unsettling. But there's something about him- it's as if he has some sort of big secret or something that he won't share. I don't like people that don't openly share their emotions and thoughts. Peter seems to have a lot of unsaid things in his mind. I mean- he's almost too perfect. Almost like he knew exactly what your idea of perfect was, and now he's trying to act and be precisely what you think perfect is. I feel like he wants something from you."

          I stared at my best friend, shocked into a state of utter disbelief. "You think that Peter is trying to act perfect because he wants something from me." I repeated blankly.

          "Well, yeah. That's what I'm suspicious of. You're my best friend. I'm just trying to look out for you. I would hate to see you put so much into something only to have it wrecked by a stupid boy." Lucy's voice remained level, but I could tell that she was starting to get defensive.

          A flurry of various emotions exploded inside of me-- anger, fear, defensiveness, anticipation, but also a little bit of gratitude. "Do you realize how that sounds to me?" I asked her softly.

          Lucy threw her hands up in exasperation. "What does it sound like, Kenzie?"

          "Lucy, I'm not trying to accuse you of anything. But can't he be perfect just because that's who he is? Not because he wants something? It sounds like you don't trust me to make my own decisions and judgements about people."

          "Yeah, well, not without me."

          Her words hung in the air. So many emotions were coursing through me at this point that I almost didn't feel anything at all.

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