and he laughed. " I only said that because I could see how in love you were with Justin and I if I told you that you would only make it harder to let you go." "Well he doesn't deserve someone like me." I slurred. "Jaiden everyone makes mistakes." "Oh not you too, say that again and I will kick you out of this car." I said but all he did was laugh. When the car stopped Harry helped me inside me house. I noticed the kitchen clock and it was 3 in the morning. I was so not going to want to wake up in a couple of hours for a meeting. I walk to my stairs and lay on them while Harry

gets me a glass of water. "What are you doing?" he asks me once he comes back. "Sleeping on the stairs, goodnight." I say laying my head back on the stairs. "We're half way to your room now come on" he said helping me up. I groaned and somehow made it to my room without tripping over my own feet. The door to my room was closed but the light was on, so I must have left it on. But I was so wrong. I open my room door and Justin and goes right for Harry. "You think that because she's drunk you can finally sleep with her?" Justin screams at him. "I wasn't...I" Harry begins "Justin

stop!" I shout and tug at his shirt. "Harry thank you for bringing me home, but you better go so I can talk some sense into him. I'm sorry for his childish behavior." I say and Harry laughs at my choice of words "Call me if you need anything." he warns and I nod. "Childish behavior?" Justin turns to face me as Harry leaves the room. "Yes childish! You can't just be inside me house like if you live here and try to beat up my friends." I tell him "He shouldn't have brought you home! Where is Ryan and Becky weren't you with them and we both know he only used you to sleep with him!" "He brought me home because I was out of control. And I can't remember what else you said." I admit

"Well maybe you shouldn't have drank so much." he scolds me. "Hey I drink when I want." I say "You know you're annoying when you're drunk." he says and sits on the chair "And you're annoying... all the time, plus who said you could sit down on my chair!" I huff crossing my arms "I can't believe he's here in Canada." "I can't believe you're in my house, especially my room." I counter "If I wasn't here, would you have slept with him?" "What? How dare you ask me that!" I shout God Justin looks hot right now in that white t-shirt he's wearing that is tight around his muscles and is bringing out his sleeve tattoos and what am I saying? "Answer the question "No, you asshole." "Do you want to?"

"Oh my god Justin! Are you insane?" I shake my head "Besides, it's none of your business who I have sex with. Maybe I did have sex with him before he brought me home, maybe I had sex with someone else? You will never know." I say with a straight face. My words effect Justin when he turns the chair to face me, "What did you just say?" he barks Wow this is more fun than I thought it would be. "You heard me..maybe I let him take me into the back of his car?" I say moving towards Justin. His chest rises and falls rapidly and if looks could kill, I would have been dead by now. "Or

maybe I had sex with Harry on this bed before we left to the club?" I say and look back at the bed. "Jaiden shut up now!" Justin warns me and I laugh. I feel brave, I feel strong and I feel like ripping Justin's shirt right about now. "What's wrong Justin? You don't like the idea of another man's hands all over my body?" I don't know if it's the alcohol or Justin's anger that I miss him but without thinking my actions take over. I climb onto his lap on the chair, my knees resting on both sides of his thighs. He is completely taken by surprise by my actions. "What are you..what are you doing Jaiden?" he stutters "Tell me Justin, do you like the idea of Harry.." "Stop saying that!" he begs. "Oh

lighten up Justin, you know I would never do that." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel some kind of emotion when he removes my arms from around his neck. "You're drunk Jaiden." "So..I want you." I say surprising both of us. I grab a fistful of his hair, I have missed the way it feels between my fingers. "Jaiden.. You don't know what you're doing. You are wasted." he says "Justin..stop overthinking this, just like when you slept with Maddison. Besides don't you miss me" I say against his neck sucking lightly. My hormones have taken over me and I don't know if I ever wanted him so badly. "Yess." he hisses as I suck harder, making sure I leave a mark. "I can't Jaiden, please" he begs me

to stop but I refuse, instead I rock my hips on his lap and he groans. "Jaiden no." he whines and grips his large hands on my hips stopping my movements. "You have to options, fuck me or leave my house." you decided I snap. Did I just say that? "You will hate me tomorrow if I do this while you're drunk" he says and looks into my eyes. "I already hate you." I say and he flinches from my words. "Can we at least talk about this all first?" he asks loosening his grip on my

hips, allowing me to move. "NO, stop being such a debbie downer." I groan "We can't do this..not like this." he says again. "I know you want to Justin, I can feel how hard you are for me" I say in his ear. "Come on Justin, don't you want to bend me over on this desk? Of the bed? The floor? So many possibilities" I whisper into his ear and gently bite his earlobe. "Fuck..Okay. Fuck it." he says and wraps his hands in my hair, pulling my mouth to his.

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