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Leaning on the door frame, Jungkook sighed in exasperation as he stared at his older brothers getting ready to go to a party, it had always been this way. He was always exempted from being allowed to attend balls and parties his siblings attended.

"You're too young to go to these kinds of events", his brother would usually say in response to Jungkook's whines for not being able to join them and it's not like he was that young.

He was in his late teens for goodness sake. He didn't get it though, it's not like they do odd stuff at social events right?

After a while, Jungkook became accustomed to his brothers' replies that he eventually gave up on trying to come along with his siblings and no longer questioned it and stayed at home instead, alone.

Well, not literally alone since there were maids as well as butlers in the mansion but it's not like Jungkook could sit down and have a chat with them all the time. They were busy people too.

His parents were out of the picture neither, always gone out and about, too busy with business matters to care about their children's wellbeing.

Having to live with no parental figure whatsoever since they were kids, Jungkook and his siblings got used to it in no time and busied themselves in their own way with their daily lives.

Jungkook smiled bitterly at his brothers as they exited the mansion in their fancy suits, a few of them kissing him on the cheek or forehead before leaving. It was one of the few things that Jungkook appreciated his brothers committed.

To him, a kiss on the forehead by them was an unspoken sign that they acknowledged his presence and still cared about him. Shutting the door behind him, Jungkook lazily slid across the marble floor and threw himself onto the couch by the window.

Looking out the window, Jungkook sat in silence with the only noise coming from the kitchen, pots clanking together as the maids prepared dinner.

Not long after, Jungkook began to evaluate his life, something he rarely did because he was constantly sketching in his book to distract himself.

He became teary-eyed as he thought about the wealth he possessed and yet still feeling so lonely and miserable during most of his life. It's not that he didn't have friends.

In fact he had plenty of them, it's just that his mindset and their's weren't so similar and differed during a lot of times. A lot of the times they spent together was filled with trash talk of the people not of the same level as them.

Jungkook despised that about them, to him, rich or poor is all the same and everyone should be treated equally. In the end, everybody dies and all their wealth would be left behind.

It explained why Jungkook preferred being alone and hiding his face behind books instead of hanging around his so-called friends, fearing he'd become like them at a point in his life.

Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair, he was tired, tired of not having anybody by his side to share the feelings he had. His family members weren't much of a help either.

His brothers resolved to parties, drowning in alcohol and sweaty bodies in order to rid of their sadness and to fill an empty void in their hearts where love was supposed to be.

While his parents chased wealth to satisfy their never ending greed, far too blind to see that happiness can be found at home, up to the point where their kids feel neglected.

Jungkook gripped his hair in both of his hands while letting out a harsh sigh, trying to stop his tears from falling down his slightly greasy features etched with acnes here an there.


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