2. I'm So Sorry Khia

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My outfit:

⚠️ attempt of suicide ⚠️

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⚠️ attempt of suicide ⚠️

As I finished with my hair flat ironed and with an headband on with my hair all out. I get my phone and my backpack on and head out the door and see him head out and see that he's not so happy about something.

He gets on his motorcycle and his helmet on starts his engine and drives pass me. I stand there just disappointed and cry and call Ariel she answers and I say "I need you to come get me... he must of forgot about me what can I say I'm always forgotten... okay see you when you get here"

She comes up and says "woah sexy mamas" I get in and shut the door and say "shut up" she smiles and drives and says "ready to go to that prison cell of a school of ours" I lightly laugh and say "let's get it over with"

As we park we see him get off his bike and I say "I really hate him right now" Ariel says "who needs a boyfriend when you have me" we smile and get out. When we do with anger he takes his helmet and looks at us and says "oh my god Khia I'm so sorry"

She takes my hand and we walk away I don't say one word to him. I walk straight to my locker which happens to be right next to his as he grabs his books and I do the same he says "I'm so sorry Khia" i turn to him and say "and I'm sorry for ignoring you. It's just when people promise they need to stick to their promise and pull through. It's what you call common sense"

I slam my locker and walk to first period which is calculus. He walks in and sits next to me and Mr Garfield comes in and says "okay class turn to chapter three and page 20 and start reading. The way you always been there is a quiz coming up"

Moments and classes later we head into fine arts. And Mrs Johnston posts up the people that is going to be in the Cinderella play. Harley pushes us and I land in the arms of booboo I look up at him and he smiles and I smile too and Harley says "I got the role of Gabriella" she hugs her minions.

Someone says "who's playing Prince Charming and Cinderella?" I go up and find my name and slide my finger to which person I am going to be and then turn to Ariel and say "I'm Cindy" we hug the other girls say "so lucky" booboo goes up and sees who he's going to be.

He comes up to me and pulls me close and the ooh's and girl get some fills up the room and he says "I've always known you were my Cinderella" he leans in and before he could kiss me I push him away and take my seat.

Harley comes in front of me and says "aww well will you look at that girls. Booboo is in love with trash" I stand and she continues "your funny thinking that you all big and bad huh" booboo stands next to me and tries to walk up to her but I stop him by sticking out my arm and say "don't.. here let me"

I ball up my fist and straight punch her and she falls to the ground and painfully says "my new nose" and say "your new nose boohoo wine baby. Do you ever think about other people other then yourself? You don't ever give notice to anybody else"

I look up at Heather and say "Heather we use to be the best of friends. What happened to us? Let me save you the trouble.. you don't kick it with nice people anymore?" I turn and look at boo and Ariel "I can't do it anymore" I start crying.

"People promising me things and they don't pull through all the way to treating me like I'm trash and giving me the Cinderella treatment. I have had it" I grab my bag and run away. Tears still streaming down my face see the tree take my backpack off and go up to the rope.

Booboo's POV
As the whole school runs out to see where she went we all stop see her hanging with her head in the hole of the rope. Hanging lifeless with her body lightly swinging side to side I say "no" then shout "no" and run to her aid and get her out and hold her close to me.

Ariel and Heather shout out "Khia" I say to her lifeless body "you can't leave me please don't leave me. If you die I die to be with you" awes escapes everyone's mouth I kiss her forehead. Heather says "paramedics are on their way"

Seconds later they come and put her on the gurney and with me still holding her hand and I get in with them. While they drive they put the oxygen mask on her which helps her breathe. Moments later and at the hospital they tell me to stay here in the waiting room I need to be in there with her.

Moments later when yet hours later they come in and say the name "Khia Gray" that's when me and Ariel stand up and the lady says "come with me" we go with her and she brings us to her room and she says "you two can have all the time you want" we walk in and I sit next to her and hold her hand.

She moves and groans in pain and takes an hand to her head and says "that hurts" I say "Khia" she opens her eyes and says "why am I not dead?" I say "because I refuse" I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss her knuckles. And she says "this changes nothing"

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