dead 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲

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[ U N E D I T E D ]
•part two•
"You promised you wouldn't let me drown!"

"Hiya Richie!" Richie's eyes widened, a warm smile appearing on his face

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hiya Richie!"
Richie's eyes widened, a warm smile appearing on his face. The familiar voice filled the silent atmosphere, his head shot up looking into those damn green eyes. The boy adjusted his glasses he was obviously seeing things, right? I mean she was dead after all, because of her friends. Richie shook his head smiling once again, he hesitantly stood embracing y/n into a strong hug, like it was the last time he was going to see her. It was like the hug they shared before her disappearance - unlike the others he knew something was gonna happen that day, That they were gonna lose a close friend, he had just suspected that it was gonna be him - although this one was stronger, almost like he was certain that this was the last time they would ever be together; a strong scent of vanilla wafted through the air as y/n threw her arms around Richie's neck.

"I miss you so fucking much" he whispered trying his hardest not to cry. Things weren't the same without the annoying h/c haired girl, He missed the sound of her laugh, the way her eyes would light up when she talked about something she loved. It was no secret that the boy had feelings for her, and it didn't take a genius to guess that he was absolutely heartbroken.

Richie brushed his fingertips through her luscious h/c hair, he took a deep breath inhaling more vanilla as he did so. He never wanted to let go, but of course he knew he had to. Richie unwilling untangled his arms from around Y/N staring into her green eyes. She slowly shook her head, her eyes changing from a pale green to a grunge yellow.
"You killed me Richie"
"You left me in the sewers ALONE"
"Do you know how scary that is"
"Knowing that you're going to die"
"How sad you feel because-"
" because the person you love left you to die"
"Congratulations Trashmouth you killed the only girl that would ever truly love you"

Richie's heart sank. Tears stung his eyes, was it true? He didn't mean to leave her, he thought she had already left!

Why didn't you go back to check? She would still be here with you, she would still be laughing at your dumb jokes, blushing when you compliment her. She would still be here, and you could hug her and kiss her and tell her that everythings okay! That you'll protect her..

"You promised me Tozier.."
"That'd you'd always protect me"
"Why did you break that promise?"
"You killed me Richie"
"You killed me"

They were both in tears, there was still a part of y/n alive Richie could feel it, but no matter what he did she was dead inside.

"I miss you Richie I really do"

The boy squeezed his eyes shut, praying that once he had opened them again she was there.

"But I'll never forgive you"

She wasn't. She was gone. He killed her, they all did.

"B-beep beep Richie"

𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎, it chapter oneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin