Orientation Part 5- SHSL Talent Show?

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"Listen up chucklefucks! Today, you assholes are gonna show case your special talents for us, or not, but if ya don't I get to fuck up your grades for the year and  screw up yer public rep, got that?"

What the actual fuck is this guy on?

We all stood, dumbfounded at the student teacher.

"W-w-what do you mean our r-reputation?" Fujisaki stuttered.

"Well~" Mono Kuma drew out the syllable.

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" Leon yelled, quickly becoming both annoyed and anxious.

"I have some special secrets about all of you! These could really destroy your rep, dontcha think?" Mono Kuma sang.

"BULL FUCKING SHIT!" Oowada roared, storming up to the podium grabbing the raven man by the collar, "Like hell am I gonna let a peice of shit like you screw with me!"

"Puhuhu! And what are gonna do? Impale on that pompadour of yours?" Mono Kuma grinned, entirely unfased as the infamous gang leader growled before raising a fist.

"BITCH! NO! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Oowada threatened preparing to knock his lights out.

"Ah, ah, ah~! Violence against teachers is strictly prohibited!" Mono Kuma said before a thick cloud of mist enveloped them.

"FUCKING HELL! MY EYES!!!!!" Mondo screamed in agony, desperately trying wipe his eyes.

"That was my special  Kuma Gas! Any one else want a try?" Mono Kuma said  eerily, red eye gleaming as  he smirked widely, quickly detering the rest of us.

"So what do ya want us ta do?" I hesitantly asked, gaining nervous agreement from the rest of the crowd.

"You all should receive two documents on your handbooks. One has a task for you to complete and the other has the secret that will be revealed if you fail to comply. Thank you for your cooperation," Monokuma said, face contorted into a smug smirk before he left us there, gapping at the spot he once was.


"Holy Shit! Damn it,  this fucking burns!" Mondo groaned in pain.

"Hold still Oowada," Ishimaru said, as he and a choppy haired beta nurse, Tsumiki Mikan, washed out his eyes.

We had all returned to the dining room. I sat with Taka and the others once again, just as shellshocked as the rest of them.

"Kaz, what did you get?" Hajime asked, trying to lighten the air.

I looked down at my E-Handbook, pulled up the inbox before tapping on the message labelled 'Task'.

*A fully functioning aircraft
*A mach 20 motor bike
*AnCreate all terrain vehicle
*a working robot with full sentience and AI.
Partner: Fujisaki Chihiro.
Time Limit: Four Days

My eyes widen before I did the only thing that came to mind.


I screamed in shock, drawing eveeyone's attention but I couldn't find it in me to care, much too busy hyperventilating and all, y'know?

"Kaz! Calm down, it can't be too hard, right?" Hajime tried consoling me, but at that point I was planning my funeral. Hajime peered down at the email and paled slightly.

"Oh god."

"Oh come on. It can't be too bad."



The two classes were in utter despair.

These 'tasks' Mono Kuma gave them weren't outragous but down right impossible. The tasks themselves could be accomplished, but the time limits on them were insane.

Dinner time had come but the morale was quite low, however hope was not all lost. With the colourful cast of characters put together, it wasn't long before conversation erupted once again. Silently, the classes deciding to put their shared dilemna to the backs of their minds until later.

The two classes dispersed once all the food had vanished and went to their rooms.


I closed the door behind me before heading to the bathroom. I quickly bathed and wrapped myself in the towel provided by the school. I looked over to the bed, Hikari was fast asleep by the time I got back, her headphones still on her head as her head lulled to the side. I sniled softly before putting her into a more comfortable position and covering her with the blanket.

I sat at the desk, opening my E-Handbook and going back into the emails section. The word file remained the same. I sighed in resignation before opening the second file labelled secret, which was only a video. I put on my earbuds and pressed play and honestly, what I saw shocked me.


Mono Kuma was on the screen, grinning smugly to the camera. In goofy bold it read Kazuichi Souda's Secret. The man began to speak.

"Kazuichi Souda. A simple boy of simple dreams. This simple boy hasn't had the most simple life, unfortunately, but that's besides the point! Kazuichi has hidden a dark secret below his pretty pink exterior. During his middle school years, Kazuichi has dated  his underclassmen for  money! What a bad, bad boy! What will the public think if this information on our dear Ultimate Mechanic were to be released? We'll see in four days won't we?"

Mono Kuma cackled loudly before the screen faded to black, his laughter ringing out before video ended.

-----Video End-----


Kazuichi sat there in shocked silence. The pinkette slowly reached for a pencil and began to sketch blue prints. He did not stop until late into the night, when he could no longer keep his eyes open. 

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