"Hi Mr and Mrs Costello," Jax greeted with a warm smile.

Water was dripping down my hair and my face, and my bangs were stuck to my forehead. I could even feel the water droplets sliding down my back.

"Oh my, you guys didn't have an umbrella with you?" Mum asked with concern as she looked at the two of us to which I responded by shaking my head. "Come on in," she said as she gestured to the living room. Then I felt her grabbed me by my forearm, pulling me close to her .

"Shailey, you didn't tell me Jax is in Boston?"Mum asked as she quirked an eyebrow at me.

"I have something to tell dad and you," I started and I reached to grab Jax's hand in mine, pulling him to stand right in front of mum and dad.

Their jaws were slightly opened as they stared at the both of us with disbelief, their eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Their eyes slowly travelled down to our hands which were interlaced together tightly.

All eyes were on me. My heart started to beat a little faster as I struggled to find the right words to say. "I... ummm... Jax and I..." I played with the hem of my shirt as I kept my eyes fixed on the wooden floor. I don't know how to say this. I know there's probably nothing to be afraid of but I'm just scared.

"We are officially dating," Jax quickly said after a short moment of silence. His voice remained calm and steady as he stared ahead into the eyes of both of parents. "We just wanted to let you know."

"Dating?" Dad repeated as he looked at the both of us and a small frown was etched on his face. "Since when?"

"Since when?" I repeated. "You mean you didn't know?"

"We didn't know anything about you having a boyfriend Shailey."

"But you guys saw us at the airport together and-"

"Just go and get change right now before you catch a cold," he ordered as he pointed to my room upstairs.

"What? But I need to-"

"Now," dad insisted and I let out a soft defeated sigh. Just as I was about to walk away,
I felt Jax tighten his grip around my hand, effectively stopping me from walking away.

"Mr Costello, I would like to-"

"Please leave," dad said as he interrupted Jax, causing Jax's eyes to widen a little, taken aback by his response. Beside me, I hear Jax let out a soft defeated sigh as he let my hand go.

"No. Stay," I insisted as I stared right into dad's eyes that were voided of any emotion. "I don't understand. This is absolutely ridiculous."

"It's an order."

"I'm sorry Shailey," Jax mumbled under his breath without looking into my eyes. He peeled my hand off his forearm and walked out of the door, not even turning back once.

I felt tears forming at the brim of my eyes and I tried really hard to hold them back. I bit my lip so hard it almost drew blood. I stared at the back of Jax as his figure got smaller and smaller till it disappeared out of my sight completely.

I wanted to run forward and stop him from walking away, to make things right but I can't. My feet were stuck to the ground and I couldn't move an inch or say a word. After everything we have been through, I can't believe this is actually happening.

I drew in one deep breath, staring ahead, my mind blank, still unable to register what's going on. I reached up to wipe away some tears that were threatening to escape.

Without saying a word, I spun on my heels and was about to make my way upstairs to my room before dad spoke up.

"Austin is taking you out for dinner," he said as tension continued to linger in the air.

I stopped then turned back to look at him.

"What? Taking me out for dinner?"

"Yes. On a date. Dress nicely," dad added nonchantly as if this was perfectly fine and normal.

"I have a boyfriend."

"No you don't."

"What do you mean I don't?" I looked at him, my hand was clenched tightly on the railing of the stairs, so tight that my knuckles were turning white.

"We never see him as your boyfriend."

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I didn't know what to say. I always thought they approve of our relationship and was supportive of it, but boy was I so wrong.

"We never approve of your relationship with Jax." This time it was mum speaking.

"No. This is absurd. I don't need your approval. He is my boyfriend no matter what you say. This is my life and you have no control over it."

I tried to speak as calmly as possible even though blood was boiling with rage within me. I can't believe this whole time they have been putting up a facade, it's all an act. A damn good one. The fact that I believed it was pathetic.

"You are 17. You still live with us and we have total control over your life," mum said and I rolled my eyes dramatically on purpose. "You have no say in this."

"This is my life and I have total control over it." If looks could bury someone, they would be 6 feet under now. I was fuming with anger that I didn't even care that I was going against my parents.

"Austin is better for you. I thought I made it clear that we didn't like you with Jax. He is a bad influence. Look at you," mum spat as though those words were poison in her mouth.

"I don't fucking care. I'm so done with your bull shit."

Before they could say anything else, I turned on my heels and stormed into my bed room, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Young lady! You are not allowed to talk to your parents like this. You better come down right this instance."

I ignored their yells for me get my ass down there. I started picking up pillows from my bed and threw them across the room with as much strength as I could muster while screaming at the top of my lungs. And it felt good to do that.

One of the pillows hit the glass vase sitting on my desk and I watched the vase fell and the glass shattered all over the floor. I let out a loud cry and threw myself onto my bed as I buried my face in my blanket and started sobbing uncontrollably.

The tears I had been holding in for the longest time were finally set free and they wouldn't stop flowing. I can hear my parents furiously pounding on my door and I refused to get up or talk to them any time soon.

"Shailey Costello! You better open the door right this second!" I heard dad shouted from the other side and I continued sobbing.

I took my phone out to call Jax but he wouldn't pick up even after 5 calls. I sighed loudly and lightly threw my phone on my bed then bury my face in my hands as I sat at the edge of the bed.

A million thoughts were running through my mind, nothing good.

I guess this is the end of everything.

Catch Me When I Fall For You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now