I pulled off the wet jeans and set them next to my shoes and socks before running back towards the water. He sat on the dry sand and watched me swim around in the water near the shore.

"Come in!" I smiled.

"I'm wearing my favorite basketball shorts though," He said. I pouted.

"I was wearing my favorite converse," I said. He smiled and took off his shoes. He pulled off his shirt and ran into the water.

"It's freaking cold!" He began to shiver.

"Well, maybe we can turn on the underwater ocean heaters!" I said.

"Really? How?" I laughed.

"Jayden, we're in the ocean. There are no underwater ocean heaters. I was being sarcastic."

"Not unless I p-"

"Don't you even think about it."

"But fish pee in here all the time!"

"You're gross," I said. He laughed.

"I was joking." He swooped me up bridal style and spun around in the water. I laughed.

We continued to play in the water splashing each other. 

"Your guys' season is almost over right?" I asked as we lied next to each other on the sand. The tide would come up and splash against our legs. I lied my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and played with my wet hair. Our legs were tangled beneath us, our bodies close together.

"Yeah," He said. I watched as his frown dropped. "We have three games left and Coach doesn't think I'm going to play them."

"What?" I sat up and looked at him. "Why not?"

"I have two D's and an F."

"I told you to do your homework," I said. 

"It's not the homework," He said.

"Then what is it?"

"Understanding what's going on during class. I usually just copy off of Tony or Chris for homework, but during class, I can't really do that."

"Don't copy other people. What happens if their answers aren't accurate?" He shrugged. "I'll help you with your homework."

"I can't do that," He said. "I wanna earn it on my own. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I can't though."

"What about your scholarships?" 

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose them..."

"You're not going to lose them, I believe in you. You can do it." He smiled and kissed my knuckles.

"Thank you for believing in me." I nodded.

"I'll always believe in you." I lied back down next to him. He smiled a goofy and I laughed.

"Ah! Your laugh. I love it so much," He said. "I just wanna kidnap you and take you away from your dad when you laugh." 

"You're a weirdo," I said laughing.

"Stop laughing!" I laughed as he covered my mouth with his hand. "It's so addicting!"

"Jayden!" I laughed.

"Stop!" I squealed as he flopped on top of me.

"I can't! You're making me laugh!" 

He hovered over me with his hands on either side of my head.

"Stop laughing now." I continued to laugh. "Stop!" He started to laugh with me.

We laughed until our stomachs began to hurt.

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