Chapter 1

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It was Thursday afternoon and I just walked in the house when I noticed the big envelop on the table with my name written in bold,


I knew exactly what was in the envelop and it determined my whole future as an equestrian rider.

I had applied to a few equestrian boarding school but I already had heard back from all of them but one.

It was my first choice and the only one I cared if I got into, Smugglers Run Equestrian Acedemy.

I paced around the kitchen thinking the worst, what if I hadn't got in, what would I do, what would my mother say, she would be so disappointed in me. I finally ripped open the letter and started reading to top is read

Dear Emily Phillips,

We would like to congratulate you on be accepted into Smugglers Run Acedemy, we would be honoured in having you and Hugo come and join us.
Please contact us for more details
Jenny Williams

I screamed so loud, jumping up and down mg mother came from the living room to find out what was going on.

"Emily what is going on" my mother said annoyed, I the whole of England could hear me I was screaming so loud.

"Mam I got accepted into Summglers Run" I streamed, I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Oh dear that's wonderful, I'm so proud of you, let me see" my mam said with a smile from ear to ear.

I passed her the note and she read it, still smiling.

"I will ring them right now, we will have to leave in few day, lessons start on Monday" my said a bit nervous.

We was taking a few weeks ago if I got accepted into summglers I would only be able to see her when I half term or in the holidays, I was worried as I have never been alway from home for more than a week, I don't know how we would both cope when I can't see her for such long periods of time.

"Thank you mam, I will go and sort through Hugos thing ready to take with us" I said before she could reply I ran off down to the sables.

My parents are very wealthy, I lived on a massive farm house with 30 stables, an indoor and out doors riding school and too many acres of land to count, I had in total 6 horses, but Hugo was my main horse.

Hugo was a dark bay thoroughbred gelding, who stood at 16hands. Who was 12 years olds, I have competed him in too many shows to count, always coming back in the top 3.

I recused him when he was 3 years old, he was mistreated by a girl who didn't have to time for him, he had only been lightly school.

I sent him off to be schooled so he could come back to us, as we are top rang yard my parents refused to have him at the yard up till he could jump and was schooled to perfection.

We had the closest bound, as I spent more the most time with him, than all of my other horses. Mainly because I enjoyed riding him the most and I have competed around the world with him as a junior in unaffiliated show but I want to go on to jumping in affiliated shows.

I went into the tack room and got Hugos jumping saddle, general purpose saddle, show bridle, everyday bridle, breast plate, all of Hugo boots, saddle pads, rugs and brushes along with everything else I need for him and loaded it into the lorry and got all of his travel boots and rug and put them by his stable, we would have to leave tomorrow.

We would have to leave tomorrow as we need time to settle on the horses and get our dorms sorted out before classes start on Monday. Happy that I sorted all of Hugos things out I went back into the house.

Mam had got go off the phone as I walked in, and she turned around tell let me me know what going on.

" Em, everything is sorted and we have leave at 8 o clock tomorrow, you will have to miss school" she told me, holding back her tears.

"Thank you mam, why are you crying" I said with concern

"I'm just so proud of you Em, you and Hugo have work so hard for this and you both deserve it, but I will miss you so much"

" awe mam, I will miss you too"

" Go and pack you thing honey, we leave are leaving early tomorrow and I don't want you to forget anything"

With that I ran up stairs and started to pack everything, I grabbed my biggest royal blue suit case and pack my riding clothes, show clothes, my general clothes and some nice going out clothes just in case. I grabbed my school bag and picked my pencil case and note books, my iPad, some makeup and chargers.

I finished packing and went to bed early, read a book for a while and set a alarm for 6 am and went to sleep.


Hello readers

Thank you for reading, sorry the first chapters so boring just wanted you to have the back story of Emily's life and Hugos.

Any advice you have please feel free to comment, I would really appreciate it.

Next update - tomorrow

Thank you

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