Chapter 23

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~~Chapter 23~~

~~🛑Actually Important🛑~~
This chapter is a flashback, after this one there will be one more flashback. I put this song in a different chapter, but it fits this one so well. Around the same time as the last one, this one is like a week later. Yeah, enjoy the story!
~~Back For Her(FlashBack)~~
After the mess with Lotor I had transferred to a different ship, one of the lower commanders. Zarkon completely agreed with keeping my where I am a secret, as he is looking for a suitor for Lotor at the moment. I may have left, but Lotor hasn't left my mind. I know I am getting the short end of the stick, but I did this for Lotor not for me.
"Y/N, the prince has asked for you in his presence." A soldier barks, I look up at him in shock. I return to what I was doing though, which was cleaning armor at the moment.
"By the order to Zarkon, I do not have to attend to such duties." I respond bluntly, trying to hide my state of panic. The guard grunts, and grabs my arm harshly. Hey, it was worth a try. He starts dragging me down the hallways, but I don't push back. I know that resisting would do nothing, he's a royal guard with strength beyond compare to mind. He keeps pulling me, until I hear a door click open. He drops me on the ground, and just leaves.
               "What are you doing here?" A voice asks, I immediately recognized the voice. Lotor, ah quizznack. I pick myself back up, and quickly brush the dust off my clothes.
"I work on this vessel, My Prince." I reply, looking back at him with a blank expression. His face suddenly turns surprised, and he steps towards me.
"No, you work on the main ship. With the Emporer, and all the prisoners, a-and me." Lotor exclaims, as if he was explaining the alphabet to me. I shake my head, and look back at him.
"I was transferred over to this vessel, by your father." I explain, still emotionless. Lotor looks at me, enraged yet desperate.
"Then I'll take you back with me." Lotor snaps, his emotions getting the best of him. Harshly grabbing my hand with his, giving it a too tight squeeze.
"Do you have your father's permission?" I point out, raising an eyebrow at him. He groans, but lets go of my hand.
"No." Lotor grumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. I step back a bit in case I had to run, hopefully he didn't notice.
"Then there is your answer, no." I state, crossing my arms. He just stares at me, before shaking his head.
"I just don't get why. Why did you run? Why are you afraid of me?" Lotor asks, a tear slides down his cheek. I cautiously walk over to him, until I'm standing right in front of him. I wipe the lone tear off of his face, and flash him a small smile.
"I'm not afraid of you, nor will I ever be. I ran because it means a better future for you, and that's one I'm not in." I reason, though I can tell he's still confused. He places his hand on top of mine, keeping it places on his cheek.
"What do you mean a better future? The only way my future could get better is if you were in it." Lotor responds, I could hear the pain dripping from his speech. I loudly sigh, and shake my head.
"Lotor we had this talk, and after this I'm not repeating. You are a prince, I am a slave. You end up with a beautiful wife, and a giant empire. I end up cleaning up your scraps, while you happily rule the world." I sigh, removing my hand from his cheek. Lotor looks for any emotion In my expression, though I can tell he's found none.
"Yes I will, though I'm the end. You will be that beautiful wife, ruling over the galaxy with me." Lotor replies, though it comes out more of a plead. I feel smooth tears run down my face, landing on the ground as they surround me.
"Lotor, no. That's not the way, you need to accept the fact that I can't be your true love. There is some amazing female out there who will, and that who your one is. Not me, some lowly servant who's only alive because our line of service goes way back." I whimper, wiping away some of the ears that escape my eyes. Lotor places his hand on my tear-stained face, and gently wipes away a lone tear that just decided to show up.
"Y/N stop, I don't care what anybody's says. You are the one for me, no matter what." Lotor says, he starts setting dangerously close. I step back, hitting the wall. Everything is now dizzy, so I cautiously place my hand on the wall. Lotor still steps forward again, getting too close for my comfort again.
"Lotor, do not get any closer." I bark at him, placing hand on my head. The world starts spinning, making me feel a bit queasy.
"Y/N-" Lotor starts, as he presumes to get closer to me. The world is spinning even faster, I now feel the need to throw up.
"Lotor just stop!" I cry, placing a hand between us. Though, I soon crumple to the floor. The world slowing down, back to normal.
"Y/N, please. The ship isn't the same without you." Lotor desperatly pleads, getting on his knees in front of me. I curl up, pressing my knees against my stomach. I rest my head on my knees, not daring to look up at him.
"Lotor you could ask for the rest of your lifetime, my answer would still be no." I respond, only audible enough for him to barely hear. He lifts my head up, and looks at me in the eyes. I take this as my chance, and bolt up. If I could run once, I can surely do so again. I hear Lotor call in the distance, but I keep running. For if I stop, I would never start again.

~~Author's Note~~
Hey! Flashbacks, some of my favorite things to write. Thank you for 3k+ reads! Other then that I don't have much to say, so let's get to the closing stuff. Anyways, don't forget to like, comment, check out my other stories, and follow me. And as try say, that's just a theory! A game theory!

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