Carly's POV

I sat in my room, my phone in my hands. I was in YouTube watching Jennxpenn. Jenn is an amazing, and a hilarious Youtuber, and she is friends with O2L! How amazing is that!

I heard a loud crash from the room next to mine and the boys yell downstairs. What the hell is going on? I paused the YouTube video, and took out and walked out my room. "Did he say anything to you about what was wrong with him?" I heard Louis say. I walked down the stairs and saw all the boys crowded in the kitchen. 

"No! He just walked past me and up to his room." Niall said. Something was surely wrong because all four of them stood there with clear worry in his voice. Harry was still missing. 

I let the guys speak to each other before I questioned them what was wrong.  "Um, if you guys don't mind, may I question what's wrong? Maybe I can help you guys?" I said a little nervous.  They all looked at me worriedly.

"Harry came a few minutes ago and he was crying. He like never cries unless something really bad is going on. He's not evening opening his door or responding to us." Zayn said. Wow, I really missed out; my headphones must be on the highest volume.  

"Maybe we should give him some time so he can calm down." I said and the boys nodded, 


We all ate dinner silently. The boys had made a plan and the plan was to make me go to his room and make him talk. I was going to talk to him because I was a stranger and telling a stranger would make him feel better, I didn't really agree on this because what if Harry just got extremely pissed off because I was trying to know what was going on in his life. Oh well, let's hope for the best. 

"If I seriously get slaughtered by him, you guys will not be invited to my funeral." I said.

"You're just exaggerating, just go in there and come out and tell us what happened." Zayn said chuckling. Liam handed me a plate filled with chicken and rice. I walked up to Harry's room and took a deep breath before knocking the door. No answer. 

I turned back around and Niall stopped me. "Nah, you have to go in there." He said, smirking at me.

"I have to take a dump, like what if I fart in there!" I said, making him crack up. I walked back to the door and knocked again a little louder. "Um, Harry, May you please open the door?" I said, making the guys laugh down stairs.

"C'mon, you can't stay in your room for the whole day. Just open the door." I said, feeling my palms get wet against the plate I was holding. Again, no answer. 

I was about to walk away when I heard the door unlock. I turned and stood there in shock looking at Harry. His hair was flat against his forehead, his eyes were pink, and overall he looked like a hot mess. 

"May I come in?" I asked and he nodded, opening the door wider to let me in. I placed the plate on the side table. 

"Here sit on the bed and let's have a talk." I said an awkward silence between us. He just looked so horrible, like they way his eyes were a bright green yesterday, were now a dark shade of green. Something was really wrong. No shit Sherlock. 

"You look like a hot mess." I said, looking at him as he stared at the wall. This is so dang awkward, ugh, why do I have to do this. 

"Do you want to tell me about what happened; maybe it will get something's off your chest." I told him as he ran his hand through his sweaty hair. 

"I'm just tired of everything in my life at the point. Everything got messed up." He said his voice cracking. I shifted a little closer to him and put my arm around his shoulder and his head in his palms. 

"What is everything?" I said, maybe I shouldn't really ask him questions because what if he got annoyed.

"I was dating Taylor, well we broke up this morning, but she was a pain in the ass. She used me and was in a relationship with me for my money. She was saying all this shit about me and the lads and we both ended up having a very heated up fight." He said, rubbing his eyes. 

"You mean Taylor, Taylor Swift?" I asked. 

"Yeah. The worst part is that our fight was spotted by the paparazzi. Now, they are making a whole load of shit on the internet. The things that people are saying about me are horrendous. If it was a few people saying shit, I wouldn't really care, but there is thousands and thousands of people hating on me." He said, that is a lot to take in though. It is hard to ignore thousands of people hating on you. I don't know what I would have done. 

"Give me your phone." I said, he handed it over to me and I went on his twitter and all of his other social media accounts. I deleted the apps from his phone and cleared out all the information about Taylor. Hopefully this could help him a little.

"Here's your phone. Ignore the internet for awhile and get your mind back to track. Stay with the boys longer, contact your family and have a talk with them. Just don't drag yourself into the internet and ruin your mood over people who don't even deserve your attention. They want you to feel like this, and you are making that happen.  Don't let them get what they want. It's funny to me how people who know the least about you, have the most to say.  You don't live your life to please anyone, just don't care about them, you don't like them then don't talk to them. Problem solved." I said woah that was long. I bet he must have zoned out.

Besides saying anything he took me in his arms and hugged me with a gentle squeeze. He let go of me and smiled at me. "That's all I wanted to hear from somebody.  Thanks." He said, his eyes getting watery.

"Why are you crying now?" he wiped his eyes with the back of his eyes and rubbed his hands in his face. Aw, he looks like so adorable, and I don't mean it in the other sense. 

"Tears of joy!" He said cracking up as I gave him a weird glance.  I got up and grabbed the plate filed with food. 

"Go wash your hands. Like now." I said, pointing to the bathroom inside of his room. 

"Who are you? My mother?" He said getting up walking towards the bathroom.  I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my pajamas that I was wearing.

"I will if I have to be." I said taking out my phone and noticing the caller ID of the person calling. 

The phone call was from Sarah, and that's when hell broke loose.

Author's Note:

Hah! Got you guys on the cliffhanger. I'm sorry I have to be evil at times. But I still love you all. First things first, I have included Taylor Swift in this chapter. I have nothing against Taylor Swift; whatever I write about her is all fiction and is for the story only. Also, I know Haylor is like 2012, but i wrote this chapter when Haylor was like the headlines. There is a picture of Carly's on the side, which is Jade Thirwall from Little mix.  


Luv ya,


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