Chapter 48

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My dear friends! I am so so sorry I have been gone such a long time, but university life swallowed me entirely. I do not promise, I will be positing very often but please know that I am not abandoning you. this story will be finished, and I will pour my entire heart into it. Now, please let me know what you think in comments, and I... I have to go study and write essays.

cheers xoxoxo


Thirty-five seconds – the duration of the kiss that was supposed to save us all. One kiss to prevent the shot from being fired, to save my father, to give us life and a future. But can one kiss achieve that much? Can it be the answer to all the questions, the solution to all the problems, and the happy ending?


Thirty-five seconds – the time it took me to realize that my life was insane. Within an hour, I promised eternal love to my soulmate, lost him forever and accepted the proposal of another man. All this while trying to prevent the assassination of the king, who happened to be my father. If that is not insane, I do not know what is.

Someone could say, that all of this was just a game for me. That I had no feelings and was toying with Enjolras and Courfeyrac. Oh, how I wish it was true. Oh, how I wish it was all about me leading them on and being a silly spoilt rich girl.

Unfortunately, it was not like that at all.

Thirty-five seconds – the destruction period of my heart. As Enjolras' lips kept kissing mine, his sweet passion was mutating to poison that spread through my veins. With every second, it was breaking my heart, shattering it in to pieces.

I hated myself for doing this, I hated myself for fooling him into believing that I truly wanted to be his wife, that I truly loved him. The pain filling my chest was unbearable. It was too much for me to handle. I was only a frail girl, who barely turned twenty a couple of hours earlier. This was bound to kill me, or make me go mad.

Thirty-five seconds passed and I did not die. It was obvious that I was mental. But this was the price, I had to pay. The sacrifice I had to make. I had to lose my sanity, my happiness, my love, for the sake not of me, but for the sake of my father, and finally for the sake of Enjolras and all of the boys involved in the revolution.

In those short thirty-five seconds, I sealed my fate.

"ENJ-" the abruptly interrupted shout of my lover was what completed the process of the breaking of my heart, the look on his face as me and Enjolras broke away, was what drove me to insanity.

He was there, right in front of us, shock painted all over his broken face. I wanted to be with him, to comfort him, to promise him that what he saw meant nothing. Truth to be told, I couldn't do any of that. I was standing there, frozen yet shaking between two of my best friends, while Courfeyrac's eyes were wandering with despair from my face to that of Enjolras. The three of us stared at each other in silence, stuck in the confrontation that I have always feared, each of us demanding answers but willing to give no answers. The air was almost boiling with tension.

"What the hell is happening?" It was Courfeyrac, who first succumbed to the pressure of the situation, and burst out.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I could only look at the love of my life with sorrow, and hope to not cry. That was a frail hope.

"Change of plans," Enjolras stated with his usual leader's confidence, which he must have regained in some strange way when I was busy being broken and looking for the love in Courf's dark eyes, "the king won't die tonight." Enjolras stated, "And we," I felt him grab my hand. He must have noticed how numb I was, how I couldn't move, how I was not reciprocating. My indifference, however, did not stop him from finishing the sentence, "we are getting married."

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