Chapter 47

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Hi loves! So everything's practically been crazy, vacation in Italy was perfect! I even met a cute boy and had my personal almost summer romance! Since I've been home I have been crazy busy with uni preparation and stuff and I finally got to choose my subjects and set my time table yesterday! And todaaaay I got a new computer straight from USA so ya know, new MacBook is like a very new notebook, it's just filled with inspiration. So with no regrets I stayed up till 4.30 am so I could deliver this baby to you! Let me know what u think!!
Love, wiki


Chapter 47

"He's going to do what?" I felt myself fading as I could feel the blood rushing into my head, and suddenly I was almost blacking out with anger. This could not possibly be happening. What was wrong with my life. Nothing, not even once could go without complications. Why couldn't I simply have a fine night with a boy I loved? Why did everything had to get so messed up? And it all was Enjolras' fault.

Courfeyrac hesitated before answering me, he seemed almost terrified. His eyes were filled with regret and the vein on his neck was pulsing dangerously. Under my deadly gaze, he stammered,

"He- he said he will kill the king tonight," saying it once more did not seem easier to him, in fact it must have been a thousand times harder, as I was in fact listening carefully this time.

"Right." I mumbled more to myself, not even realising how angry I sounded. To be honest I felt as if something was boiling inside me. I could have suspected that Enjolras would try such folly as killing my father, but after all that nonsense he pulled with proposing to me, I didn't dare thinking that he actually would do it.

I was wrong.

"Victorie, I-" he began but I did not care let him finish, because I felt cheated.

"Why on earth did you hide it away from me all this time we've been here?" I asked.

Actually, none of them thought it would be suitable to fill me in on their grand plan. And as far as I remembered, I was the leader of the revolution as well. I wasn't a nobody. It stung my heart, because perhaps my closest coconspirators did not think of me as an equal, and equality has been everything we were fighting for in the first place.

"Well," he seemed shy suddenly, "I was going to tell you..."

Yes, I did love him. I loved him so much that my heart could burst with the feeling, nevertheless there was a part of me, and God, that part could become dominant every second now, that wanted to slap his face so hard he would forget his name. I did not know what was preventing me from taking the hit. I was angry, I was furious. His apologetic gaze did not move me. I puffed with annoyance.

"We have been here for hours, Courfeyrac!" I exclaimed, "Hours! And yet you failed to mention that Enjolras wants to kill my father, until the very last minute!"

"He did not want you to know, Vi." He whispered.

"Of course, he did not." I snorted, which sounded almost like a hysterical laughter, "This did not, however, entitle you to not telling me!"

"I did tell you," he protested bluntly, making me chuckle nervously.

"Yes!" I shouted, "only after you have satisfied your needs! For all we know, my father might be already dead!"

Perhaps I did get carried away, perhaps I was voicing things I would later come to regret, but let me remind you that my mind was slightly clouded by the fact that one of my closest friends was about to kill me father, and that... that it could mean horrible consequences.

Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now