Chapter 1

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Dear Y/n,

It seems like a lifetime since we've worked on cartoons together. 30 years really does slip away, doesn't it?

If you're back in town come to the old workshop, there's something I want to show you.

Your best pal, Joey Drew

You scanned over the neatly written letter again, before looking back at the building in front of you. There were cracks in the cement beneath you, and the grass and bushes had not been maintained. You didn't see any other cars or any form of transport coming here. In the letter, Joey didn't really tell when to come to the studio, so you weren't really sure if you had to be here now.

You advanced up towards the front door and turned the stiff knob. The door opened with a loud creak, and you were welcomed by an abandoned hallway. Walking inside and closing the door, you invested yourself to the old posters of the little devil Bendy and Boris the wolf. There was an odd smell in the air, it smelt like chemicals at first, but it was all too familiar to you. It was a smell that you would often indulge yourself in even as a child. And then I clicked. Ink.

Walking down the small hallway, you were in a room with a drawing desk with a sketch of Bendy in the corner and a projector staring blankly at the wall along with a Bendy cutout.

"Everything is abandoned...why?" You say to yourself as you turned around a corner. And to you surprise, there it was, your old desks. Cobwebs hung from the wood and papers covered it.

"My old desk," you say, running your fingers along the surface of a sketch of Bendy, "I spent so much time on this."

Turning away you decided to wander a bit more. Shivers go down your spine as you crossed a ink splattered wall. The creator lied to us. What the hell is going on?

You kept walking until you entered a room with a large machine in the middle of it. Shit. Joey wasn't lying. He'd often talk about some ink machine, but you thought he was crazy. It turns out he was serious. But what does it do? Curious you walked around the halls to find items for the machine. You manage to generate the power swiftly and you walked quickly back to the ink machine. But as you turned the corner, the entry was all boarded up. What the hell? You crept towards the entry and tried to peek inside. But instead of a machine to saw the face of a black, crooked smile as it lunged at you, trying to grab your neck. You dodged the attack deftly, but a black claw had managed to cut your cheek drawing blood.

Without a word you sprinted for the exit, terrified to look at the beast behind you. As you ran, the walls spewed ink, splattering on the floor. It seemed as though it was flooding with ink.

The exit was in your sight and with new-found determination, you sprinted faster.


The floor had collapsed, pulling you down to the inky abyss.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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