"Take the baby and get out of here." Akeem said with his Alpha tone. Samuel was force to listen and he ran off.

"I'll get him later."The counsel head said.

Akeem put me down gently.

"Stay safe." he said in my ears. He then turned around back to face or enemy.

I zoomed out as the pain in my stomach increased. The only thing I could think about was to push. So I pushed and I pushed until I felt something slipped out me and I heard a baby cry.

Akeem and the counsel turned around to look at me. I looked between my feet where the cry was coming from. I looked to see a little baby girl. Her cord was still attached to me and I didn't know what to do but even how weak I was my vampire took over my body. She tore off peace of my dress and tied the cloth on the enable string. She then uses her claws and cut the cord she took up the baby then retreated back into me. Her crying stop. When she opened her eyes her eyes was a yellowish red color. I could sense a vampire inside her but I saw a demon eyes and yet I could sense a wolf. What is she? The wolf was clear and the vampire I didn't sense anything else so I guess her vampire and demon was one. I was shocked that at such a young age her vampire and wolf was already so active. When I looked off her. I saw Akeem face in aww. I looked at what he was looking at and was shocked to see water particles floating in the air. When she began to laugh the water burst and fire came around us.

Then she began to fuss to start to cry and the earth shock as if it was an earthquake. When she began to cry winds like a hurricane erupt. I looked down on her and I realize her yellowish red eyes were slightly glowing. She was the one controlling all the elements. She was even stronger than me. I pushed her closer to me and took out my breast. I then began to breast feed her and the crying and the wind stopped.

"She is really a special baby and she is going to be mine. "The head of the counsel said.

Akeem turned around with his face filled with anger.

"Over my dead body," he said.

"That could be arrange," The head of the counsel said.

And the fight began. The counsel head fling Akeem into a tree as he attacked Akeem got back up in no time.

They both send equalled blows.

"Kelly!" Akeem shout out.

"Yes!" I shout back.

"Run I know you feel weak right now but you need to go." Akeem said.

"I can't my body is not healed."

"You have to I know your stronger than this Kelly run to the rest of the pack they are not to fare away from here." he said. at his words I used all my strength and got on my feet still holding my baby and I began to run as fast as my tired feet could bring me . I ran and ran but when someone came in front of me I was force to stop.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of the other council member said.

I didn't answer.

"Please leave me alone."

"Why would I and we can harvest you and your daughter's power?"

"You are not going to touch my baby." I said beginning to be filled with anger. He attacked me. I dogged him with baby in my hand .

I put her down in a bush where she would be safe from the fight. He attacked me again at that point I was fighting for the life of my daughter. He missed me again. I used all the strength I could muster but I could only do peace of my vampire transformer. Only my wings came out but that was all I need my wigs was a weapon a shield and a way of transport. He attacked me again but this time I send my wings after him. I punched him in his shoulder with my wings. He cried out in pain.

Kelly (book 2 of Rejected By my own kind but accepted by the enemy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt