Did I Mention

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Mal, Evie, Lonnie, and Ellie were watching the game. Evie and Ellie were cheering on Jay and Carlos, whereas Mal just stood up kind of partly interested.

The announcer is talking about each play as the game was nearly the end. However, it ended with the best tag team ever of Dorian, Ben, Jay, and Carlos.

"What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn-." The announcer was cut off by Ben taking microphone.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say. Give me an M!" Ben yells.

"M!" The crowd yells.

"Give me an A!" Ben yells.

"A!" The crowd yells.

"Give me an L!" Ben yells.

"L!" The crowd cheer.

Ben smiles, "What does that spell?"

"Mal!" The crowd yells.

"Come on, I can't hear you!" Ben yells.

"Mal!" The crowd chants.

"I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben said.

Audrey's eyes widen. It was at this moment that Audrey ran off the sidelines, she was clearly upset. Ellie nudged Mal as everyone was chanting her own name.

Ben turns to the band, "Give me a beat! Whoo!"

 Doug turns to the others, "Uno, dos, tres, quatro!" He said.

Evie nudges Mal, "Oh, my God!"

"Cookie!" Ellie said.

Mal awkwardly laughed, "What was in that cookie?" Mal asks.

♫ Did I mention ♫

♫ That I'm in love with you? ♫ ♫ Did I mention ♫ ♫ There's nothing I can do ♫ ♫ And did I happen to say ♫ ♫ I dream of you everyday ♫ ♫ But let me shout it out loud ♫ ♫ If that's okay-ay-ay (Hey!) ♫ ♫ If that's okay (Hey!) ♫

♫ I met this girl that rocked my worldv ♫ Like it's never been rocked ♫ ♫ And now I'm living just for her ♫ ♫ And I won't ever stop ♫ ♫ I never thought it can happen to a guy like me ♫ ♫ But now look at what you've done ♫ ♫ You got down on my knees ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ I never knew (Who knew?) ♫ ♫ That it can be like this ♫ ♫ My love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ Just (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss ♫

♫ Well, did I mention... ♫ ♫ That I'm in love with you ♫ ♫ And did I mention ♫ ♫ There's nothing I can do ♫ And did I happen to say? ♫ ♫ I dream of you everyday ♫ ♫ ♫ But let me shout it out ♫ ♫ If that's okay-ay-ay (Yeah!) ♫ ♫ If that's okay ♫

♫ I gotta know which way to go ♫ ♫ C'mon gimme a sign ♫ You gotta show me that ♫ ♫ You're only ever gonna be mine ♫ ♫ Don't want to go another minute ♫ ♫ Even without you ♫ ♫ That's if your heart just isn't in it ♫ ♫ I don't know what I'd do. ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ I never knew (Who knew?) ♫ ♫ That it can be like this ♫ ♫ My love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ Just (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ And I would give my kingdom ♫ ♫ For just one kiss ♫ ♫ C'mon now! ♫

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