School Time!

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The morning passed by very quickly. In between lessons, my classmates would crowd around my table to try to talk to me. Soon, during English lesson, our teacher, Ms Amanda, called me out to introduce myself. When i walked to the front of the class, she asked me if i was the girl who was featured in Cristine's video, and i told her that it was true. She then told me that she is a long time fan of Cristine, and was surprised to know that her daughter was in her English class. I giggled at what she said. I found it incredible that people and admiring me just because i am in Cristine's video. Anyway, i did what i was told and went back to my seat.
After English lesson was lunch time. When we were dismissed to lunch time, many kids from the other classes who recognised me from Cristine's videos crowded around me and asked me questions about Cristine and how I became her child. Lunch time was pretty hectic I have to say. I have already explained how Cristine adopted me from the orphanage so many times but it seemed like they have never heard of the story before. So, i told then that i will ask Cristine to post the whole story on Twitter. After that, i proceeded to get some food but some fans kept crowding around me, making it difficult to do so. Yes, i am happy that many people from school know me, but i have to say, i have never experienced such a thing before (because i'm from an orphange xD).
After lunch, we had a few more lessons and it was the end of school. I got to know the names of the girls who had asked me to sit with them this morning. They are Valeria, Airica and Claudia. We exchanged numbers and proceeded to head home. Valeria and Airica take the school bus while Claudia walks home. Claudia then offered to bring me home and i kindly accepted her offer. I told her my address and we started walking towards my house.
While walking home, Claudia told me that she had always wanted to meet Cristine. She wanted to go to Vidcon several times but her mom does not allow her as she is "too young". In fact, Claudia is actually younger than me. She is actually 9, and somehow she managed to get in my grade which surprised me as she was quite mature for her age. In fact, i thought that she is older than most of us.
When we are about 2 houses away from my house, Claudia pointed opposite of my house and said that there is where she lived. "Yeah, Im your neighbour!" Claudia said excitedly.
When we approached my house, Claudia rang the doorbell and Cristine came to open the door.


I rang the doorbell to Jasmine's house. After about a minute, a women opened the door and smiled at me. I scanned her face and realised it is none other than the holo queen herself! I excitedly introduced myself and told her how i had bribed my mom to let me go to Vidcon to meet her but she did not allow me to do so. I also pointed out that I am Jasmine's friend (wow what an attitude xD) and that i live right opposite their house.
Cristine took in the information then said, "Oh wait, are you Claudia, the smart lil 9 year old who somehow got in grade 4? (idk the grades in Canada sorry im just going by my country's grades xD)" I nodded and Cristine smiled widely told me that she was honoured to meet such a smart kid. (No im really not that smart xD) After dropping off Jasmine at her house, I proceeded to go home.


After Claudia dropped me off, she went home. I took a quick shower and told Cristine how I met Claudia, Valeria and Airica who I consider my good friends now. Cristine said that she is happy that I am making friends with fellow holosexuals. I also told her that many kids from the other class recognise me and that Ms Amanda is also a fan of her. Cristine felt impressed that I am well known in school.
Soon after, Ben came home with dinner. We then sat at the dining table and ate our dinner which is tacos. Yum!

A/N: hii sorry for taking rlly long to update, i kinda ran out of ideas to continue the story soo the next few chapters will not be so soon but i will try to update 2-3 chapters by christmas? also i really dont know what to say about this chapter xD [21 nov 2017]

A/N(again): hihi sorry for not being really active ;-; im already done with the next 2 chapters, working on a new chapter now (: so from the next chapter onwards, if it contains sensitive topics, i will put a warning there and i will also put a date in which i started writing the chapter. If there are more than 2 dates, it means that when writing that chapter, i took breaks in between just because im really lazy and i have writers block xD hope you will understand! i post the next chapter really soon, i promise. maybe even tomorrow :D [9 dec 2017]

What if Cristine adopted me? [Simply Nailogical Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now