“Because!  Look at my arm Nate!”  My face was red filled with tears, how did he not understand that he was hurting me. “My arm is wrapped in bandages because of you shoving me yesterday, I just didn’t want my parents to see.  I’m sorry OK?”  His face grew with concern and I could feel his grip loosen on my arms.  He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist and started to apologize.  I didn’t want to move because I was so scared he would turn back into this vial person.

“Baby I am so sorry I never meant to hurt you.  I just need to know where you are at all times.  I can’t stand the thought of you not being with me.  What if someone takes you and I wasn’t there to protect you?  Please forgive me.  I love you and I want to be with you and make it up to you.”     I didn’t want to get hurt anymore but I also didn’t want to get beat right now so I agreed to it.  I would give Nate another chance to prove to me that he isn’t such an ass all the time. 

“That’s good baby, I promise you made the right choice.  Can I take you to get something to eat and we can spend some time together?”  Nate kissed my forehead putting me in his truck.  I didn’t say anything to him on the way to dinner unless he asked me something.  Instead I just listened to him talk about his day and what he had done.  It was nothing different Nate was always talking about himself he barely ever cared about what I had to say. 

I sat there trying to figure out why I was ok with him treating me like this.  I couldn’t put my finger on it.  I have never let any other person talk to me like this let alone smack me.  He was still sitting there talking about himself, he couldn’t even notice that I wasn’t even paying attention.  Part of me wished that I never went to that party.  I could have given Nick a second chance and been with someone that actually wants to make me happy and put me first.  I would not be in the situation of being smacked and talked down too.  Brooke could have him if she really wanted too now.  I couldn’t take anymore beatings.  I’ve been able to hide the marking from my parents but Devyn was aware that I was not just falling all over myself all of a sudden and so was Sadie.  Thank god Nick didn’t know, he would snap and go crazy on Nate.  The waitress came over to get my order finally snapping me out of my train of thought.  I looked up at her catching her looking at my welt on my face the shape of a hand.  I went to go order when Nate interrupted.  “The pretty girl here will have a light dinner salad with light Italian dressing please and pair that with a water with lemon.”  I could feel my blood boiling inside of me.  Who the hell did he think he was?  Was he seriously ordering me food and my drink, this has to stop.  I wanted to say something so bad but I knew that he would over power me in any way possible.

                We had finished our meals and I asked him nicely to bring me to my car so I could get home.  It was a school night after all and at this point my safest place was my bed.  When I got to my car I was hoping he wouldn’t drag this on any longer.  I needed to ice my face and get to sleep.  I turned to look at him and he immediately bent down and pressed his lips to mine.  I couldn’t stay mad at him anymore those kisses were absolutely addicting.  He kissed harder and deeper running his hands down my side.  When they had found my rear end I broke the kiss.  “Nate I’m sorry I just, I am not ready.  Please understand it is not you it really is me.”  I looked up at him with pleading eyes.  He kissed my forehead and then rested his chin on my head.  “Baby I know I have a short temper but I would never force you to do that.  When you’re ready let me know so that I can make it perfect ok?”  Once again not to make him mad I agreed with him, but inside I was so mad.  He thinks he will just get my virginity like that.  What if I don’t want it to be him?  What if I want to be with another person?  I got in my car and drove home.  I was desperately needing a shower and some serious ice for my face.  His finger outline was still on my cheek, what was I going to say to my parents.  Thank god the way my house was set up my bathroom was right next to the front door, I ran in there hoping they wouldn’t ask me what was going on.  I stood in the shower for close to thirty minutes hoping that I could just go straight to my room as the water mixed in with my tears.  The hot water stung my face, but I had to make sure I looked better than this. Once I was done and dried I picked up my house phone to call Nick. 

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