Chapter 7

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When I woke up my phone had close to a dozen text from Devyn.  She was continuously telling me to call her, that it was a serious emergency.  I slept so good because of Nick being there, I must have been in a deep sleep if I slept through all her calls.  I hurried up and called her my heart was racing hoping everything was ok.  Finally she answered but what she was screaming was nothing I wanted to hear.

“Kadence get home now Nate is looking for you, he has called me several times trying to figure out where you are!  I bought you some time to get home, I said you had ran to the mall to go pick up a last minute anniversary gift for you grandparents.” 

“Thank you so much I owe you Devyn.  How long ago was this?”  I asked rushing around the room trying to get my stuff together.

“I barely told him about five minutes ago, just get your shit and go!”  She quickly hung up and I finished grabbing my stuff.  I looked at Nick still sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake him so I left a little note next to his head. 

“Hey you, sorry I had to bolt out of here I’ll call you off my house phone later tonight.  J Kadence.”

I ran downstairs waking Sadie up, Nate knew I was with Sadie I told him that I was having her sleepover.  I explained to Sadie what was going on and she ran out to the car and we took off.  I left some stuff in her car I told her I would just pick it up later so it would look more believable that I was coming from the mall.  As soon as I ran through the front door my cell rang.  I took a deep breath because I could see it was Nate. 

“Hey Nate, what are you doing?”  I could barely breathe I just wanted him to be happy.  I kept thinking to myself please don’t be mad.

“Hey baby, I couldn’t find you, thankfully Devyn told me you were at the mall.  Did you find anything for your grandparents?”  I sighed in relief but something felt a little off in his voice.

“Yeah, I have to pick it up in a couple of days I needed to have some stuff engraved on it.”  The phone was silent which told me that I was in trouble.  This was one time that I was so thankful for my parents to be home.  I waited to hear him say something but instead the phone hung up.  I panicked I didn’t know what to do, I ran out and told my aunt that I was going to Devyn’s for a little.  Nate had never been there before so I knew he wouldn’t have known where she lives.  I ran out to my car and got in as quick as I could and hurried to Devyn’s.  Maybe if I just leave him alone for a little it will let him calm down.  I went to get out of the car when Nate pulled up behind me.  What the hell was he doing here did he follow me?  I have never felt more afraid in my life, he had warned me that I was going to regret making him mad again.  He came charging at me with full force slamming me against my car.

“Baby I am giving you one more time to tell me where the fuck you were!”  I panicked if I told him the truth he would hurt Devyn.  I couldn’t let him hurt my best friend.

“Nate I am not lying I was with Sadie like I said I would be.  The mall was a last minute thing.  I’m sorry, I didn’t know you would get upset.”  I tried sounding confident about what I was saying but it was certainly failing.  My next thought was to either make a run for it to the front door or sit here and try to make this better.  Before I could make a decision, Nate slapped me across the face.  His palm hit me so hard I hit the ground within seconds.  My cheek was burning and you could see the welt that he had left.  I just sat there for a second, how could I not see he was a sick bastard like my dad.

“Pretty girl, I treat you like a fucking princess.  How ungrateful can you be to not respect me enough to tell me the fucking truth?”  I flinched at the sound of his voice.  He was passed angry at this point. “Your little ass wouldn’t be nothing if it wasn’t for me.  I made you confident and sexy.  I give you everything you want and you lie to me!?”  He grabbed me by my arms lifting me up and slamming me against the door.  “Why the fuck were you at Sadie’s last night.  Why did you decide to stay there instead of at your house!?”

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