It Was Just A Kiss

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Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's collar and slapped him "WHY WERE YOU SO INTO IT?!" The second year growled

"And the same goes for you?!" Tsukki glared "What went through your head saying that that was a good idea?!"

Bokuto frowned, as did Kuroo "Guys.... it was just a kiss, it's not like either of us enjoyed it. we've done it before" Kuroo shrugged

"Yea! you know I love you Akaashi! I wouldn't of fucked you so much otherwise....." He pouted, hoping that that was sentimental enough. it ended with him being slapped again.

Tsukishima sighed "Kuroo you're an asshole." he punched him in the chest "I'm going to see Tadashi... bye guys." He stood up, collected his things and left.

Kuroo sat there in complete shock, he hadn't expected so much backlash over a kiss, it's not like he felt anything but broship for Bokuto... or was there something more... he'd been trying to figure it out for a while but he couldn't. "WAIT KEI!" he called, trying to call after him "Please..!" his voice was an obvious tell that he had been disheartened. Kuroo fell to his knees, tears were welling in his eyes but he didn't let them fall.

Bokuto looked at Suga "This is your fault!" He hissed "If you hadn't of given me this stupid dare, Tsukki and Kuroo would be fine!"

Suga looked at everyone and started to cry "I-I didn't... intend on this happening!" he hid his face in Daichi's chest

Oikawa rolled his eyes "Everyone shut up! go to bed! sleep on it! talk during breakfast!" he stood up and dragged Iwa-chan to the bedroom they were given.

Everyone did as Oikawa shouted and walked into their bedrooms, Bokuto had to drag Kuroo to his because he simply wouldn't move.

"Kuroo... bro... I hate seeing you like this... you're usually so happy and annoying... but now you're all depressed and crap, I hate it!"

"..." Kuroo held out his phone, there was a text from Tsukki stating

'You clearly don't feel the same about me as I do you. We're through'

Bokuto's eyes widened "Kuroo..."

"I loved him... I loved him so much... but now he's gone... all because of you... and Suga..."

"You can't blame me! I only did as I was dared!" Bokuto growled

"I CAN BLAME WHOEVER THE FUCK I WANT TOO!" Kuroo hissed, his brown eyes filling with tears produced by a cocktail of anger and sadness "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT KISSED ME. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT MADE THE MOVE." He shouted angrily before standing up and collecting his belongings "Tell Sawamura that I'm leaving." he left the room and the house, storming off into the distance, he had no way of getting home since his train ticket only allowed him to return the following Sunday. He had no plan of what to do, he'd probably just sleep on a bench or in the train station.

"There's no need to fucking tell them. they probably heard your shouting from fucking England." Bokuto spat before walking out of the room and onto flopping onto the sofa in the living room, sighing and closing his eyes, rubbing his face and hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.


~The next day~


Everyone had woken up by about 10:30am, Daichi had naturally woken up at 8am for no reason which then made Suga wake up because of all of the movement and lack of Daichi's strong and comforting arms. The pair had decided to make breakfast for everyone, unaware that Kuroo had gone

"Bokuto... where's Kuroo?" Daichi questioned

"He left last night" The owl-esque teen replied grumpily, when Suga discovered him on the sofa in the morning his first response was to throw pillows at him.

"Why?!" Suga frowned

"We had an argument..... if you could even call it that" Bokuto scoffed

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