You took a deep breath and looked at your uniform shakily. 'The first Quidditch match... against Harry...' you thought.

You walked out of the Great Hall and down to the Quidditch pitch and into the locker room. You looked around. You were so nervous!

A few minutes later, you walked out to the Quidditch field.

"Now I want a nice, clean match," Madam Hooch said as she threw up the Quaffle.

We all flew up and you looked at Harry. Then, you looked around for the Snitch. You both saw it and dashed for it.

Harry's broom suddenly started going crazy, just as he was about to grab the Snitch.

"Harry!" you said, worried for your brother.

You flew up to him but it was a mistake. The end of his broom hit your head, knocking you out and you fell to the ground.

You woke up with a start. You had been having another nightmare about your parents. You looked around, to see Hermione, Harry, and Ron, all in the hospital wing with you. Hermione stood up and hugged you.

"Y/n! You're ok!" she said.

"W-what happened?" you asked.

"Well... when you flew up to see if Harry was ok, his broom hit your head, knocking you out. You fell to the ground and needed to get stitches. You were out for two days!" Ron explained.

"Y/n, I am so, so sorry for hurting you!" Harry apologized.

You looked around and saw Malfoy in the background, a few feet away from your bed. When he noticed that you were looking at him, he quickly turned around and walked away.

*A few months later in May*

You ran into the dark room with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. You looked up at Fluffy, sleeping peacefully to the harp.

The four of you moved the paw over the trap door and started to head in. Ron screamed and you noticed Fluffy standing over you.

"Run!" you yelled and you all ran.

You fell into a pit of vines and they started twisting around you.

"What is this?" you shouted at Hermione.

"Uhm... OH! It's Devil's Snare! Relax, and it'll let you go!" she yelled and you both relaxed. You two fell to the ground.

"Harry and Ron, calm down!" you yelled at them.

Harry relaxed and fell down next to you.

"Ron! Come on and relax!" the three of you shouted at him.

"Devil's Snare... Devil's Snare... it's dangerous fun, but it hates the sun!" Hermione said, looking at you.

"Lumos Maxima!" you yelled.

Ron fell down and landed next to Hermione.

"Mione! That was awesome!" you said excitedly.

"It was all on you, Y/n!" Hermione replied.

You smiled and you all walked to the next room.

You looked up and saw a bunch of keys flying around. Harry grabbed a broom and handed it to you. You looked up at him.

"Shouldn't you do it?" you asked him.

"No, you should," Harry replied.

You grabbed the broom and flew up. You looked around for the key as they all started attacking you.

You grabbed the key and flew back down, immediately unlocking the door and running in. You looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"That was... interesting," you said with a laugh.

You walked into the large room with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. You looked around the room.

"What is this?" you asked.

"I-I think... I think it's a large version of Wizards Chess!" Ron said with wide eyes. "Ok, Hermione, go to that spot, Harry over there, and Y/n, you go over there."

You walked to your spot and watched as Ron began to play the chess match.

*A little while later*

You looked over at Ron, who was knocked out and at Hermione, who stood over by him.

You looked over at Harry, who was looking at you.

"Harry, should we go?" you asked, a little worried.

He nodded, and you two walked into the next room.

You looked around and saw Professor Quirrell standing in front of a large mirror.

"Harry?" you whispered. "What is that mirror?"

"That, Y/n, is the Mirror of Erised. It lets you see whatever you desire most."

You nodded. 'I wonder what I'd see...' you thought to yourself.

Professor Quirrell then turned around and faced you two.

You heard someone saying something. . . .

Then it went black.

𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)Where stories live. Discover now