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(Amy's POV)

That morning, Sonic's chest and arm was healing up a little but he still had to wear the bandages for a few days. He's like a fast healer or something. Do were-creatures heal fast? Nah, they probably heal normally like us normal people.

Right now, Sonic and I were hiking in the woods for exercise. And of course I brought my picnic basket in case we wanna have lunch break, "Its beautiful isn't it?" I said to Sonic.

"What's beautiful?" Sonic asked me.

"The birds singing and the green leaves in the forest" I said.

"Yeah. Well sometimes" Sonic said and got on all fours to run faster.

I giggled and ran after him, "You're fast" I said.

"Thanks. I got speed like a wolf" Sonic chuckled.

"You're too funny, Sonic" I giggled.

Soon we came to the beautiful lake in the forest; from there the mountains were visible. We decided to stop here and bring the picnic sheet up.

"In the wild I usually hunt fish for food like a bear. But now that we're having a picnic, no animal instincts" Sonic said and sits down on the picnic sheet.

"Yup. I got cookies, chili dogs, and some drinks" Amy opens up the basket and takes out what we have. I know the chili dogs weren't warm but never mind, "You don't mind if they aren't warm?" I asked him.

"I don't mind. It works for me" Sonic replied.

"Okay" I said and handed one to him. He took a bite from the chili dog while took mine and ate one too.

"So this is what picnic is like?" He asked me.

"Yes, it's a thing for friends to spend time with. Like having talks or enjoying the view of nature" I said.

At the lake where a few beavers swimming with sticks in their mouths. I have learned that wild animals can work together as a team to do things that help their lives. Even mothers that do care for their babies but sometimes I don't know what the fathers do. I always get curious on that. The only types of animals that make great mothers are mammals. I know that apes like gorillas do have responsible fathers for their babies like humans and chimps do.

"You know, whenever I tried to make friends with animals they never liked me because they don't trust creatures that walk on two legs" Sonic said to me.

"That's because they are afraid of hunters" I said.

"Probably but you are not a hunter" Sonic said.

"Thanks. And you're also not a hunter like a wolf or any other predators. But you do hunt fish which is okay for you" I said.

"Yeah, and the reason why I don't hunt prey like a real wolf is because it would set my animal instincts to go savage. Any predator that goes savage will kill anything that moves. Also, if I hunt deer I won't know that it could be a parent because if fawns became an orphan they would die without a mother" He explained to me.

"Yes. I am reminded of how an elephant calf was orphaned after his mother died by an infection. Facing the dangers of predators until park guards brought him to an orphanage for elephants" I said while having my sandwich.

"Yeah. And I hate to see orphaned animals in the wild without a mother. When I was 8 years old I couldn't face against bigger predators like cougars and bears. I was too young to fight but I can scratch and bite for defense" He said while finishing the last piece of chili dog.

"Interesting. The smaller you are the faster you are" I said.

"Yeah. And also the opposite too; the bigger they are the slower they are" Sonic said.

"Exactly" I said.

A while later of having a picnic I cleaned most of the leftover and put everything in the basket, "That was the best picnic we had" I said.

"Yeah, and for the first time for me" Sonic said and gave thumbs up.

"Glad it was your first time" I said with a smile. Then something happened to Sonic, he fell on all fours and he started to morph into a regular grey wolf, "Sonic?" I said, thought I was imagining or it was really real.

"Amy, it's still me. It happens when a full moon is shown" Sonic as a wolf said, he could still talk normally.

"Whoa, that's something new. Usually I thought a normal person transforms into a werewolf when it's a full moon. But yours....is something new and different; it's like a werewolf transforms into a regular wolf. No offense" I said, a little startled by his transformation but it was a bit incredible.

"Well, it happens many times" Wolf Sonic walk up to me and sits down.

"So you didn't make yourself turn into a wolf? The full moon did?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, this helps me blend in so no hunter will find out I'm a werehog. There are few hunters that chase werehogs" Wolf Sonic said.

"I see. Wolves are cunning and sneaky. Mostly. But it's also dangerous to fight hunters with guns alone" I said, even I still hate hunters too.

"Very true, because I hide from hunters with guns. But let's get back to your house" Wolf Sonic said.

"Yeah, let's go" I said.

(Sonic's POV)

Amy is so well understanding with me for 2 days. In a few days I'll be fully healed and I would be back in the forest. But I couldn't leave her like that because I made friends with her. And she also saved my life from getting almost killed by a vicious bear. So I'll stay a little longer if needed. Now that I'm a wolf I hope for sure I won't be seen as a dog. Though I gotta admit, dogs are like wolves but differently. I couldn't help but wag my tail at Amy, I don't know why but my tail has a mind of its own.

"Here we are. Home sweet home" Amy said and lets me in the house.

"Thanks" I walked past her.

Rob was there too with finishing his practice with his arrows, "Having fun with my cousin? And is that you Sonic?" He asked me, noticing that I'm a wolf now.

"Yes and I'm only a wolf at full moon" I explained.

"Really? That's cool" Rob said and pets me on the head. I did not bite his hand because that would be very rude of me, so I just let him pet me like I'm a dog, "It's amazing that you can talk normally as a wolf" He said.

"Yeah. As I told Amy I only become one when a full moon is up" I told him. I ran up to the sofa and laid down there and Amy sat next to me.

"You know Sonic, you're kinda cute as a wolf" She said.

"Hehe....thanks" I blushed when she said that I was cute as a wolf. But I also wore my bandages as a wolf too. She then petted me on my head too and I closed eyes because I liked it and I put my face down.

It's like her kindness and love makes sad and lonely people feel happy. Like her last name 'Rose' is like a flower that brings a meaning to show love and beauty. It's like love can conquer hatred because 'love' brings peace while hatred destroys peace.

As for me, my name is like I'm faster than the speed of sound. But I'm like the wind because of my fast running. It's like my howling travels through the wind like sound waves. Or perhaps, I'm a free-spirited werehog that likes to run free in the forest and hear the wind calling out my name.

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