Desert Breeze (Air) to Ocean (Water)

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I am in a maddening place. The place is harsh. There is no sharing.

Unexpectedly pleasant to leave there and meet you. Our fluidity is sympathetic. You are deep and calm. I breathe fully and easily, our natures intermingle.

You are my base, as if I were held by the pinions of the universe. We entwine as if fingers lightly joined.

I can rest here and expand. Calm. Our visages reflect the peace and joy you have.

Our natures draw us together; pull us close and tight. I have no objection. Let everything else fall way. This restful collapse is perfection. 

What, Where, and Why of 'Love Whispers Of Elementals'

What: Words shared by those who really like each other.  Those that are Elementals, so the words share context.

Where: These elementals are from a series of works 'Sprites Save The Universe'.  A single multiverse with parallel planes of existence.

Why: Short words commemorate those who long to be together, but have essences that do not abide together for long.

Love Whispers of ElementalsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ