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First off, we would like to thank you all for reading! And we are so happy that you stumbled by! 

Of course , every roleplay book has introduction , but we shall go straight to the rules sorrynotsorry xx

So heres how this will go, y'all:

1. It isn't individual rp, there will be one huge chain for each fandom. You can also ask to do an individual rp if you dont feel comfortable with chains, but we may or may not agree, so support wih evidence!

2. There will be one scenario per chapter, and it will apply to all fandoms. But each fandom will have an individual chain in that chapter.

3. You can be only one character from each fandom. However, you could be one character in several fandoms. For instance, you could be Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter rp, and Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson rp.

4. Cussing or no cussing? I say it should be allowed, but with marks, like "fück" or "shît"

5. Try not to boss other characters around pls! It will make them hate you loll

6. hate the character not the roleplayer

7. Characters will be announced next chapter!

8. The fandoms are:
-Harry Potter
-Percy Jackson
-Hunger Games
-The Flash

8. Have fun!!

>>>>> BTW We are two admins , so we will alert you after each comment with the first letters of our names —which shall remain anonymous— so they're either :

(l) or (h)

Thank you for reading!! Join the rp by commenting on the next chapter!!

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