Revenge: 15. Epilogue 💙

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Tyler's POV

"Tell us what?" Pete said, looking at us.

I looked at Jules hoping she's ready to tell my brothers the truth. I know we've been doing this back and forth shit for awhile, but I'm done with this.

"Tyler and I decided we're going to be in a monogamous relationship." Jules said.

"What are you serious?" Trent yelled.

She nodded. "It's nothing personal. It's just a decision I made and I hope folks would support me."

"Support you? So after we came all over you and in you, you want to be with Tyler. Whatever I got options. Liv Morgan was sucking my dick the other day." Pete laughed.

I didn't find that shit funny, but coming from Pete this is fucked up. "Did you fuck her too? I know you sent her flowers pretending to be me." I said.

"Nah, because I thought Jules was available. But, honestly I don't care cause Jules ain't nothing but a hoe. She will cheat on you. I would never trust her. Fuck both of you. Come on Trent let's roll." Pete said.

I jumped up but Jules pulled me back into my seat. She leaned over and whispered "I've been called worst. Don't worry about it. Sit down Bae."

"I just wanted to say I really cared about you Jules, but this is fucked up. Now, you're kicking us to the curb. It's cool but don't hit me up asking for any dick either." Trent said, and returned to the bedroom to retrieve his things.

Jules' POV

"I'm sorry Trent." I said.

I felt hurt the most by what Trent said, but I had to be honest with myself. I wasn't in love with the other guys.

Tyler meant so much to me and with him I felt like I can love again. He makes me come alive. He brings out the best in me and even though I'm ten years older than him, I don't care.

I watched as my former lovers gathered there things and just like that they would be out of my life. I thought being with them would satisfy my appetite, and don't get me wrong I've enjoyed it all. But, I want to settle down and be in a steady relationship. I don't want my babe talking to somebody on Twitter, cause he wants someone to give him full attention.

I've loved and I've lost so much. When I was dating Tama it was to get back at Finn. Things happened so fast that I couldn't believe I uprooted my life to go to Japan.

Now, I'm saying goodbye again, but this time I'm saying hello to love.

The opportunity to love someone truly for them and to receive that back is priceless.

I'm not missing out on my opportunity to be loved cause I want to be greedy and selfish. Tyler wants me to himself and that's what he deserves.

He deserves me... Juliana.
Tyler and I stayed in silence the entire time they were packing.

When they left I turned to him and said "I did that for us and I'm going to therapy for us."

"That's all I've ever wanted to hear you say. That's all I ever wanted from you. I will be there with you every session. I love you Juliana and one day I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we're still kinda fucked up, but I'm forreal."

"I meant every word. I'm in love with you and I don't see anyone else in the way that I see you." I said, kissing him.

The End 💙

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