I Hate That I Love You: 03. Ring Action❤️

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Sasha's POV

"Please welcome my guest at this time the boss, Sasha Banks." Charly said, and I walked up to her. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and put my glasses on top of my head.

"Sasha the WWE universe is confused on why you attacked Sami Zayn of all people during his match? Care to elorabate?"

I rolled my eyes and gave her the side eye. "Look, when you are a boss like me you can do whatever you want without any consequences. Sami is standing in the way of something that I want."

Charly looked very confused and said, "What exactly is that?"

"Come on Charly even though you're an interviewer." I started pointing at her and laughing. "It doesn't take a rocket science to figure that out. Just know that whatever the boss wants she gets." I said, walking off from the interview.

I wanted to find Sami and asked him what he thought. Sure, it wasn't much but I was excited about our rivalry.

I overheard Sami and Kevin talking near catering.

"Aren't you glad you finally found out the truth about Summer?" Kevin said, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He'd just finished a match.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I like Sasha though. I mean honestly this whole rivalry is weird." Sami said.

"Bruh, you're thinking too much into this. Relax." Kevin said.

I walked up to both of them. "Yeah, relax Sami. Are we still meeting at NXT tomorrow? I have shit to do ya know?" I said, looking at both men.

"Yes, Sasha.." Sami groaned.

The Next Day....

I had on my practice gear and I was waiting in the ring for Sami to come. I looked up and he was walking towards the ring.

"About time asshole sheesh." I said, crossing my arms and tapping my right foot. I hate when people are late.

"Shut up Sasha." He said, sliding into the room and came up to me wrapping his arms around me and putting me into a headlock. "Now, just so you now." He squeezed tighter. "I'm in charge and I'm calling the spots okay?"

Damn. Was this man trying to kill me? I grabbed his hands and tried to pull them apart. I escaped and pushed him.

"Okay shit! I want to try the Spanish fly. I saw Mustafa Ali do it."

Sami's eyes widen. "But you're not Mustafa Ali."

I groaned because he wasn't trying to give me a fair try. "Just get on the top turnbuckle."

I tried to jump on the top rope but I slipped. "Fuck.. This looked easier on YouTube."

"Duh.. Sasha you can't hang with the cruiserweights mama. Let me show you." Sami climbed down and waited for me to sit on the top turnbuckle . He easily hopped on the ropes and flipped us off.

Sexual Liberation (Three Book Series-- Wrestling Fanfic) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin