Rescue Me~ Chapter 1

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The snow softly fell from the sky, it was white and so fluffy. It was an early December evening in New York City, the city that never sleeps.  I had really loved this time of the year, I loved the cold in the air and the snow falling softly around me.  I also liked that with New York it never amounted to anything and it was gone shortly after it covered the ground.  May take a few days but rain always followed to take the whiteness away..

 I walk through the snow, kicking it with the tips of my boots as I moved along the side walk.  I could see the hospital in my view now as I continued to walk towards my destination.  I loved working there as a Critical Care nurse.  I really loved it here in NYC and my job.  I really did like my life even though it was a simple kind of life.   I came from a small town on the east coast of Canada where I was well known for my family's worth but here in this big beautiful city I just blended in with the rest.

 I went inside the big doors that lead me past the emergency department, which was always full of chaos and busy.   I continued down the long well lite hallway to where I spent most of my time,  it was a place that I loved because of the impact I had on people and their families.  Just to make a small impact on someone was all I ever wanted as  nurse and a human being.   I hoped for a quiet night as I made my way to the room where someone was really sick, always someone close to death.  Which some would think as depressing but I was always really happy to be ones of the nurse that would help  care for  them in their weakest hours.  I also would care for their family members as they sat at their loved ones bed side, praying to their god that he would give them one more day with their loved one, that was hanging in the balance of life and the after life.

I made my way into the room I would be working in that night,  I took notice to the three empty bed spaces, which would mean three admissions of newly injured or sick people.  I took notice to the one patient in the room, they were intubated, the hiss of the machine taking breaths for them passed by my here ears as I walk into the room to get report from the day shift nurse.

"Good evening Raya, are you ready for the craziness?"

"It seems really....."

"SHHHHHHHHHH Raya." Trina another nurse says to me as she places her finger over her lips to make me be quiet.  I smile and shrug my shoulders as she sits across from me at the small table in the corner of the room. "That word is a bad word."

"What qui....." I try to speak but Trina places her hand over my mouth to prevent the word from coming out.

"QUIET." I say as I pull Trina's had from my mouth.

"Now you did it." Trina rolls her eyes and gives me a stern look before giving me a quaint smile so I know that she was just joking.

"I want to give you two fools report so I can get the hell out of her." Mary who is the older nurse out of the three of says bringing our attention back to focus. "You are going to have a young male, 20 years old, he was involved in a motor vehicle accident earlier today. He has been in surgery for five hours. I am not sure what all is going on with him, I just know that it has been touch and go with him. He is from London, England, his family is on their way here now. He is also in the public eye, that boy reflection."

"Never heard of them." Trina and I both say at the same time.

Mary stands up and looks at us with those kind eyes of hers. "You girls have had David." she says pointing to the lifeless body lying in the bed on the opposite side of the room. The hiss of the ventilator breathing for him. "He has been stable all day. They keep checking brain activity, he has been in a coma for so long they are thinking that he may never wake up."

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