Day 26

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All day, [Name] helps Pein with the kids until 7:00 struck. That's when she pulls away and starts getting ready for her date.

Her choice of clothing for tonight is a simple red dress that goes to her knees, one that hugs her curves and can make any man drool like a dog. She puts on eyeliner and cherry colored lipstick to match her dress. Though, the hardest part of her makeup is perfecting the smokey eye look, and making sure it's even on both sides.

Once she's done with that, she has a wide selection of heels she has to choose from. Out of all of them, her favorite ones were the silver heels. She twirls in the mirror when she's fully ready, smiling at her reflection.

[Name] takes a small purse with her and stuffs her phone in it. The fully confident mother strides out of her room with a big smile on her face. The kids and Pein are watching cartoons on the television, until [Name] walks in.

"Whoa," Pein mumbles under his breath.

"Wow mommy! You look so pretty!" [S.Name] exclaims, jumping up from the floor to hug his mother's leg.

"Pwitty mama! Pwitty mama!" [D.Name] says while clapping her tiny hands together.

"Thank you," [Name] says to her kids before bending down and giving them both a kiss on their heads. "Now, mommy will be back. You be good for daddy, okay?"

They both nod before running up to their father and climbing on his lap. She blows everyone a kiss before grabbing her keys and heading out the door.


Kakashi waits for [Name] to arrive. He dressed up a little bit after he cooked dinner for the two of them, and also cleaned up his house as well.

When [Name] pulls up into his driveway, he straightens out his shirt and opens the door to let her in. He stands in the doorway and watches as the gorgeous woman he knows to be his girlfriend, run up to him with a smile.

"Oh Kakashi," she sighs happily as she bear hugs him. "I missed you so much."

They pull away, which allows Kakashi to place a gentle kiss on her hand. He leads her in by the hand, closing the door in the process.

"You look," he pauses to twirl her around and take a look at every angle. "Absolutely amazing."

She basks in the praise that Kakashi gives her and laughs lightly. "Flattery gets you everywhere."

The two go straight to eating after that. Tonight's menu is all Japanese food. Kakashi somehow had the time to make sushi, miso soup, soba and curry. He also made wagashi and green tea to go along with it.

"Did you, did you just cook all day?" [Name] asks, her voice edging on the thin line of amazement and bewilderment.

"Pretty much," Kakashi says shrugging his shoulders as if it isn't such a big deal.

"You did all of this," she gestures towards the table full of food. "Just so we can have dinner."

Kakashi nods, as he finishes up his miso soup. He looks up from his bowl and sees [Name] staring at him.

"What?" He says.

She moves from her seat to stand before him, and puts a finger underneath his chin. She leans against the table, and adjusts his head so he looks at her.

"You're too good to me," she says right before giving him a kiss. A kiss that'll stain his perfect skin a beautiful shade of red.

The kiss is electrifying for [Name]. Her body burns with want, and all thoughts of finishing dinner is pushed aside when his index finger trails down her spine.

Kakashi's perspective of this kiss completely different. Guilt coils around his heart like barbwire, tearing at the skin until his heart bleeds. Though her touch, her touch is cleansing to him. Her touch clears away the scum that was left behind by Konan; for no matter how many times he showered, he never felt clean after that day.

But her touch, her gentle touch. How she caresses him, gives the man newfound hope.

Before he realizes it, [Name] is straddling him and kissing all over his face and neck. Her hands rub his chest, feeling the muscles underneath the thin fabric.

"I think." Kakashi is interrupted with a kiss, her sneaky tongue finding its way into his mouth. He groans, which sends shivers down her spine as their tongues clash together.

When the need for air becomes too great, she pulls away first, allowing Kakashi to finish his sentence.

"We should finish dinner," he says, lightly panting.

She pouts, curling a finger around a strand of his messy hair. "Aww, but I wanted to play more."

Kakashi is having none of it. He didn't slave over a hot stove for nothing.

"I'll satisfy your need for me later," he says, gently pushing her off of him. "Now go finish your food."

Her cheeks puff out and her eyebrows furrow, but she sits in the chair opposite of Kakashi and looks down at her half finished food.

"You promise?" [Name] asks, her voice sounding childish and hopeful.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

She smiles, and picks up her chopsticks. She tries a little bit of everything, praising Kakashi for his cooking skills. He finishes way before her, and goes to open up a bottle of sake. He fills up two cups to the brim and slides one closer to [Name].

She nods a thanks to him, and picks up the cup up to take a sip. It burns the back of her throat, but she continues to sip at it. Kakashi has already downed his and pulled out his smut book.

"Okay," she says, chugging the rest and half regretting it. "I think I'm done now."

Flipping to the next page, Kakashi grunts. "Are you sure? Or are you just eager to have dessert early?"

"Stop teasing and fuck me," she growls.

A smirk squirms itself onto Kakashi's handsome face.

"Your wish is my command."


A/N: haha. what am I even doing. i'm such a tease, always cutting it off right before the smut can even happen (sorry, not sorry).

Lol, love you bye bai!

P.S: I know nothing about makeup so don't quote me on jackshit.

P.S.S: if you haven't noticed, I rushed that last part so I could finally publish this garbage.

Step-Dad [Mother!Reader x Kakashi] |Modern AU|Where stories live. Discover now