Day 25

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When Pein returns to his family, the indecent photos on [Name's] phone are no longer there. He sits in his car and conjures up a lie that will probably work on her. His thoughts also wander and question as to why he helped Kakashi.

Shouldn't I want her back? Wouldn't this just help me in getting my wife back? His mind questions as he steps out of his vehicle.

He strolls up to the front door and knocks. No matter how many times he asks, [Name] will not give him a key. He waits until [Name] answers, a humorless smile grows on her face when she sees him.

"Where'd you go?" She questions him as he enters. She places a hand on her hip when he doesn't answer right away. In fact, Pein proceeds to walk to the kitchen and ignore her question.

"Pein?" She says, following him. He mentally notes that his ex wife is a nagging person. "Are you going to answer me?"

He places a steady hand on the counter and looks at her. "Why does it matter where I went?"

"Because, you left without a word," she huffs. Pein inhales deeply through his nose and closes his eyes, contemplating if he should lie to her or not. He decides against it and says something else.

"I said, I'll be back when I left. Didn't you hear me?"

When he opens his eyes, he sees his ex wife roll her eyes. "Never mind Pein. You clearly don't want to answer me."

[Name] walks away with her arms crossed, and Pein just watches her go. Once she's out of sight, he takes her phone from his pocket and sets it down on the counter. The black screen stares up at him, and he patiently awaits Kakashi's call, wanting to see if he actually does as he was told to do. Unfortunately, the call doesn't come in that span of eight minutes, and so, Pein turns away from it.


Kakashi is having a hard time following Pein's directions. He's wandering around his home, thinking of a way to ask his girlfriend out on a date. It should be simple, right? Not really. Not after that train wreck of a woman was carted out of his home by two unidentifiable men, and the fact that Pein wants to keep all of this a secret from [Name].

Kakashi is great at keeping secrets from strangers and irrelevant people, but not his significant other. Yes, he has kept his entire life a mystery from her up until a couple of days ago, but now that his heart has warmed up to her, he feels like he should tell her everything; even the unpleasant things.

The poor man is in a fine pickle. Should he lie to his girlfriend and be morally scarred, or should he tell her the truth and risk never seeing her again?

At this choice, he slumps onto his sofa and allows the energy to drain from his body. His lazy grey eyes drift over to his phone, where it lie on the coffee table. His body instinctively gravitates towards it until the device sits in his hand. His fingers unlock his phone, and before he knows it, he's texting [Name].

I want to see you again.
So, how about dinner tomorrow?

He unknowingly settles with lying to her, but he feels his heart turn cold and knows something will go wrong.


"Pein!" [Name] gasps in delight. The said male is relaxing on the couch, drinking what [S.Name] calls "Adult Juice". She plops down next to him and pecks his cheek. His body stiffens from the unexpected kiss and he whips his head to his left to glare at her.

"What was that for?!" He says trying to sound angry, but the light rosy color on his cheeks says he's far from angry.

"You found my phone," she beams, a face splitting grin forming on her face. "So you deserve it."

"Yeah whatever," he grumbles. With the grin still on her face, she leans her head on to his shoulder and unlocks her phone.

"Thank you Pein."

She sees the new message appear on her screen, and her face would have split if she smiled any wider. The mother, with the amazing energy she has, shot up from her seat and her thumbs shot around her phone's keyboard at lightening speed.

She turns to Pein with hopeful and pleading eyes. "Do you mind watching the kids tomorrow night?" She asks, feeling a little guilty.

"No?" He says, raising one eyebrow questioningly. "What's wrong?"

[Name] shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing. Kakashi just asked me out on a date."

So he finally did it. Pein thinks as he waves her away from the TV.

"Yeah, whatever. Go on your date."

The mother mouths a thank you to him before happily strolling to her bedroom. From the corner of his eye, he watches her until she's out of view. His body slumps forward, his body language screams depression. Although, it's not the type that comes and goes within a matter of minutes. It's the one that slowly but surely eats away at one's happiness until they're nothing but a shell of their former selves. The poor man tries to act tough, but the depression is wearing him down bit by bit.

Pein presses his fingertips against the spot where [Name's] lips touched his cheek. A soft sigh escapes him as he thinks over all the chances that he had to fix their marriage, to apologize to her for what he did.

"It's far too late for that now," he mumbles to himself, musing over her and Kakashi's progressive relationship.

He closes his eyes and the same three words repeat in his mind.

Far too late.


A/N: I tried making this long, but I kept getting stuck. But whatever. A chapter's a chapter and I'm glad I at least past the 500 mark.

Thanks for reading, love you bye bye!

Step-Dad [Mother!Reader x Kakashi] |Modern AU|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن