Ryan luvs pizza 5EVA (ryden fanfic)

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"lol fuk mi pizza plz"

the pizza didnt respond

Ryan was much dissapoint

"still not talking 2 mi? I said i was sorry lyk 5 tims about last night"

The pizza looked at him blankly

"I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!" Ryan slammed his fist into the table

"Its fine I guess" the pizza said (lol it talks)

The pizza winked @ Ryan "bby plz eat my out"

So Ryan ross ate the pizza

Only after he ate it do he realized what he done


But it  too late Ryan had killed his one and only true luv

So he went out that nigt 2 get sumthin 2 eat

He saw a new beautiful pizza across the room

Sum really ugly guy wearing guyliner (an:Pete Wentz. No hes not actually ugly but whatevs)was about to eat it so Ryan ran across the room and grabbed the pizza from the guys' filthy hands and kissed it

"Dude wtf?"

"mine" Ryan Ross said

So ryan took the pizza home and put it in his secret safe to keep it safe from those emo kids that always took his pizza

"lol why the fuck do u care so much about pizza ryan" Brendon asked Ryan over lunch

Ryan was siting across from Brendon in a restrant with his new pizza gf on a chair next to him

"bc im lonely and pizza is the only thing that still there for me"

"Well Ryan you do realize that u cant like fuck pizza"

"yea u can"

"dude wtf" Brendon took Ryan's gf and threw her out the window


"its 4 ur own good man"

"go fuk urself I h8 u"

Ryan stormed out of the restaurant into the middle of traffic almost getting himself killed

"RYAN YOU IDIOT" Brendon was pissd dat Ryan left da restrant b4 dey got der food lyk wtf

"lol srry not srry" Ryan sayd twstin frm hiz grip an walkin awai

Brendon cryd bc mean Ryan

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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