Not Lies? Part 5

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Hey sorry for this taking so just the end of the marking period and I needed to get some grades pulled up. 

K.o's POV

"yaaaaaaann" I say stretching my arms, then look around. Wait what!?" I'm in my bed room. Wow did I get here? " I ask my self getting out of my bed. I look to my side and see my clock. It's  5 a.m. "whyyyyy" I say getting back in bed. I lay down and stare at the wall. I stare for at lest a hour then I start to feel my self drifting off. I close my eyes then open them again to find my self some where else. I look around the dark area and spot a cage. I walk up to the cage but when I get close enough to see what was inside I jump back a bit. 

"hello" TKO says to me through the bars. I can't move due to fear.

"aw cats got your tongue" he says to me.

"a-are y-you tanting me? I-i'm not scared of you!" I say to him.

"pfffff" TKO says trying not to crack up. " I can tell your scared but sadly I still cant get out." 

"Why i'm I here then?" I ask him.

"I wanted to tell\show you something"he says siting down.

"um...o.k" I say still in a bit of fear.  

I look up in to the darkness. Then a picture shows up out of no where. I've seen this one before. It's the yellow bler.

"Is this something you have seen before?" TKO asks me.

"ya...wait was that you talking to me?!" I ask walking up to his cage.

"bingo" He says standing up.

"why would you do that" I cry to him.

"cause i'm evil" he says to me smiling with his sharp teeth.

"is that all you wanted to show me?" I ask the evil me.

" no there more" he says to me.

Suddenly the picture changes.

"What!? " I say in shock. In front of me is Enid...trying to strangle me...

"I know right. I'm evil and every thing but I thought she was good or what ever " TKO says to me looking pissed.

"bu-but your lying!!" I yell at TKO. TKO looks at me with shock.

"what! Lie? no not about this." he says to me crossing his arms.

"And why would you tell me this" I challenging him.

"I was going to tell you to not trust her. This is my body too. I don't want to get when I get out of the dam cage..." he trails off as he looks at me.

" What are you up too. I'm not so dumb." I say looking at TKO throw the bars.

"What-ever I'm done trying help you." he says then sits down in the corner of he's cage. Then I feel a bit light headed. I close my eyes and open them again. Looking around I find my self in the real world. I sit up in my bed and start to think of what TKO showed me. He was most likely to me because Enid would never do that to me. would she?I think to myself. I get out of bed and go down stairs to get my meds. After I do that I go and start to get ready. pull up my hair with my sweat band and put on my cloths. 

"K.o come get breakfast " I hear mommy say.

"coming!!" I say grabbing my vest. I go and sit at the table and eat my food. As I sit my mind starts to wounder. I keep thinking of what TKO showed me but push the thoughts out of my head. I just want to get to work but I have to get through school. But I get to see Dendy which is always fun even though I cant understand her half the time she is speaking.

" sweety are you o.k?" mommy asks me.

"ya mom!" I say trying to smile.

"well o.k then lets get into the car" she says to me.

Well there you go the next part to this story and i'm so sorry if the begining was so corny.

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