Chapter 4

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As Crash led the charge towards Cortex's castle, Coco looked around at the islands in a sort of awe. She had never seen the islands so majestic before.

"Hey keep up the pace, Krista!" Crash shouted, ahead of her.

"Coming!" Coco replied back. "Glad I gave him a false name. From his perspective, he doesn't know I exist yet." She mumbled to herself.

As she ran to catch up with Crash, she could've sworn her heart was beating in her ears. Coco had never seen her brother in action before. Well, at least not up close and personal. When she caught up, Crash pointed to a rowboat.

"Our transportation awaits." He told her.

"So what is your plan for taking Cortex down anyhow?" Coco felt like asking.

Crash didn't answer her, he pushed the rowboat towards the shore. Coco helped him, wondering if he had heard her or if he was ignoring her.

He finally answered, as they got the boat to the water, "It's...complicated."

Coco placed a hand on Crash's shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Coco promised.

"I appreciate that." Crash responded, half smiling. "Come on, we got work to do." He added softly.

Coco merely nodded, getting into the rowboat.


As the old saying goes, those who fail history are doomed to repeat it. And Coco learned quickly of the meaning of that phrase. Once the last showdown with Uka-Uka ended, she wounded up losing her brother all over again.

When Coco returned back to her time, she was heartbroken. She had thought that with her help, Crash wouldn't become a prisoner of time.

"So why didn't it work?!" She complained, gaining the attention of Nicholas (N. Gin).

"A failure, my dear?" He asked, holding her shoulders.

"Yes...I couldn't save him..." She answered, the tears evident on her cheeks.

"After all of that hard work too!" Nicholas cried out.

"I need a break..." Coco sniffled, running out of her lab.

Nicholas sighed sadly. He knew it wasn't going to be as easy as Coco wanted it to be. Or how he wanted it, either. After all, he also had someone stuck as a prisoner of time.

Aku-Aku watched over them, sighing sadly. He didn't have the heart to tell Coco that more evil and trouble were coming to the islands...


Wishmaker1028: I know, I'm evil. I'm supposed to be. I'm a writer, after all. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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