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I've been staring at the door for a while now. I don't quite know how long, but, I don't know what to think. I have been thinking through all the different scenarios that could pan out. If I go up there, he could kill me, or I could get in trouble if he comes down here and see's the door open.

But I could get out. I could do it. I could see Haden again. I could see my family again. I smile and stand up. The floorboards creak above me and I freeze. 

"H-Hello?" My voice shakes. It barely comes out a whisper. I try again, louder. "Hello? The door was open?" I wait for a reply or a sign he is coming downstairs.

"Keep quiet, and you live." I hear the man say. I backpedal until I hit the wall opposite the door.

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