They both grinned at me and swung down from the tree, their green eyes glittering.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Who are you?" they echoed, then started laughing.

"This doesn't make any sense!" I exclaimed, scowling.

"Of course!" the first one answered. "Nothing is sensible about this place!"

I groaned. There was that word, sensible. "We somehow fell down a huge...rabbit hole, I guess, and then we ended up here; can you help us?"

"Obviously, you can't go that way," the second one said. "Going down wouldn't make any sense, would it, Dum?" he questioned his twin.

"No, Dee, there's nothing sensible about any of it!" his brother replied. "There can't be any question; they'd have to have gone through."

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? I wondered. But...they don't look ANYTHING like how the ones in Ferryport Landing look... There's something off about all of this.

The strange voice from the trees sounded once again, laughing.

"Do you know the way back?" I asked the creature, whatever it was.

"Back?" it replied. "Why would you go back? It's silly, isn't it? Going backwards? Forwards, sideways, left, right, up, or down, those are the best ways to move, but never back."

"But we have to get back," I said, frustrated.

"Never back, never back!" a wide, wide smile shimmered into existence in front of me, a shadow seeming to form around it. "People don't like going back, even if they must. I don't like going back! And I'm not people! But I look back, sometimes, every so often, just to make sure I'm not leaving anything important behind. Like my tail! I can never be sure when I leave my tail behind me by mistake."

"But we did leave important things, important people behind!" I said, ignoring the creature's nonsensical ramble.

The shadow finally fully filled itself in around the creature, revealing a cat floating in mid air in front of me, it's tail curled around the front of its paws.

"The Cheshire Cat!" Daphne exclaimed, biting her palm. "You look way more cool than the you in the Book!"

The Cheshire Cat's grin got wider. "I like this one; she doesn't make a lick of sense."

He giggled at his pun, rolling around in the air, his fur shimmering and changing colors.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the Tweedle twins. "I'm Sabrina, that's my sister Daphne, that's our friend Red, and that's Elvis, our dog."

The Tweedles both stuck out their hands. "Nice to meet you!"

I didn't know what to do, their identical faces looking at me and their hands both stuck out to shake. So I shook both their hands at the same time, using both of my hands.

They grinned at each other. "So maybe this one isn't as sensible as we thought!"

A strange mixture of the scent of roses and paint neared us, and the Cat's smile vanished as he disappeared in a hurry.

The Tweedles looked around in alarm. "We have to go!" Dee whisper-shouted, panic lighting in his eyes.

And that's when I blacked out, memories that weren't mine overtaking me.

Roses, roses, painting white roses strawberry red.

And tarts! Who took the tarts? Did Snowlanders take the Duchess's tarts?

The Queen of Hearts...

My eyes popped open. I was shivering, a cold compress pressed against my forehead, and I was in a different place.

"Wha...what happened?" I whispered.

Daphne threw her arms around me. "Your heart stopped beating. We thought...we thought..."

"But it's only been a few seconds," I protested, struggling to sit up. My head hurt.

Daphne just shook her head.

A beautiful woman—she looked about the same age as the Tweedles, but she was probably older—with ringlets of silver-white hair and piercing violet eyes smiled at me grimly. "We have much to talk about, Sabrina."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Like that." Daphne pointed to my forehead, it more specifically the spot between my eyebrows.


"Look," she said, handing me a mirror. I realized it was the mirror from Beauty and the Beast.

"I had time to pack," my sister explained, holding up a backpack. Funny, I hadn't noticed that.

I was about to question her, but the words died in my mouth when I saw myself in the mirror.

A silver, eight-pointed star, seemingly a tattoo, was resting right between my eyebrows.

"What is that?" I cried, dropping the mirror in shock. Daphne dived to catch it.

The violet-eyed lady looked me in the eyes. "You can now read people's emotions."


"And some of people's memories, the strongest ones." A pained look passed over her face. "A certain person currently, I suspect."

"Who?" I asked, rubbing the star between my brow. It felt like it wasn't even there, excluding the slight tingling in my fingertips.

The woman's eyes had dropped to her pale hands, which were clasped tightly in her lap, but they met mine.


So! Who liked the chapter? I have many many many many plans! I'm so excited because I just got a huge burst of ideas and guys get ready for lots of things to happen.
I'll try to update soon!


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