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It was an ordinary day like the others. The soldiers finished their training and were preparing for diner.

Mikasa and Armin were walking ease ahead when suddenly Annie appeared in frond of them.

Mikasa: Annie you are in our way....Get lost

Annie: Hn? That's weird. I thought you guys were in my way!

Mikasa: ANNIE!

Annie: MIKASA!

Mikasa: ANNIE!

Annie: MIKASA!

Armin: (OAO) OMG! Th-They are going to fight? Waaa. * start running to and fro* EVERYONEEEE!!!!!! MIKASA AND ANNIE ARE PICKING A FIGHT!!! EVERYONEEE!!!

Jean: What? R-Really? I have to see that!

Armin, Jean: *running to and fro* EVERYONE!!! MIKASA AND ANNIE ARE PICKING A FIGHT!!! EVERYONEEE!!!!

Marco: GOD! Th-They must be kidding!

Armin,Jean,Marco: *running to and fro* EVERYONE!!! MIKASA AND ANNIE ARE PICKING A FIGHT!!! EVERYONEEE!!!!

Connie: Mikasa and Annie? WOW!! I always wanted to see those two fighting!

Sasha: Yeah.... It's like a dreamfight!!!!

Armin,Jean,Marco,Connie,Sasha: *running to and fro* EVERYONE!!! MIKASA AND ANNIE ARE PICKING A FIGHT!!! EVERYONEEE!!!!

* And this continued until everyone compassed Mikasa and Annie*

Mikasa: This is for not getting lost!!! YAAAA!!!! FALL!

Annie: Oh yeah? Then take this! HAYAAA!

Mikasa: Damnit! I'm sure you are cheating!

Annie: Really? Show me your proofs!


Eren: (• • ;)....... Did we came here just to see them playing...CARDS?

Armin: IDIOT!!! Can't you see? This is a DUEL.....CARDS DUEL!

Reiner: OAO....That reminds me YU-GI-OH!

Ymir: You don't say (-_- ;)

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