Two (Your POV)

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The rain had finally stopped, but night was approaching quickly. My work shoes padded against the concrete. Cars drove by, people chatted with one another at the shops. Everything seemed perfectly normal.
The business building on the end of South Street haunted me as I walked past, the building always gave me the creeps. No one was seen coming in or out of it. There were the urban legends about it, like every town has.
My pace quickened trying to get to the café. Streets lamps started to flicker on as the sun started to disappear into the horizon. The moon making its appearance for the night.
I walked to the back of the café, walking into the employee entrance.  My boss had left for the week, leaving me and a few others working overtime. Rubie, has been working here for over ten years and cooking was the only thing he loved to do. He stood next to the entrance way with a cigarette between his lips, mumbling a hello to me.
I wrapped the apron around my waist, grabbed my notepad and shoved the pen behind my ear. Chatter filled the café, with the scent of coffee and stale cigarettes. Alma stood behind the cash register, with the pot of freshly brewed coffee in her hand.
"It's not as busy as it usually is," Alma motioned towards the booths.
Hours passed, my break came and I sat outside with a cup of coffee in my hands. The warmth spread from my hands through my entire body. My break was over so I stood, the bell to the front door rang.
The night was going past very slowly making me drag my feet. Everything was so bleak, so boring. I loved my job, my home, my life but sometimes I wanted more. I craved more.
Fixing my uniform to look neater, I made my way through the swinging door. Automatically my eyes landed on a man that sat in the back corner booth. His hair was a dark brown, stubble lined his jaw line. His eyes seemed black. Shaking my head I looked at Alma, signing that I could get him.
"Excuse me, sorry it took so long. Damn coffee machine, what can I get for you?" My voice staggered, catching my breath in my throat.
"Just a black tea," he seemed so confident as if nothing affected him.
"Alrighty," smiling towards him I made my way to the others littered around the café.
It was coming near to the end of my shift, morning was coming. All I could think about was sleeping, but in the back of my mind the man with the black eyes stood there. Shaking my head, I threw my apron on the hook in the back.
Alma left hours ago, Rubie stayed in the kitchen cleaning up from the night. The workers from the first shift were slowly piling in, filling in for us night owls. Older women wanting their morning coffee stood at the counter.
The coffee machine whined quietly in the back, everything seemed so distant. Like everything was a delusion. Probably from working all night, I'm okay. Everything is fine.
Grabbing my things I made my way out of the café. My house keys jingled in my hand, my purse bounced against my hip. A few cars would drive by, the fog had lifted from the night before.
Making my way to the other side of the street I could feel myself looking at the business building on the corner of the street. I've never actually looked at the building, the structure seemed from the gothic era.
It was astonishingly beautiful. No. What's wrong with me? That building is creepy, no one comes in or out.
But for some peculiar reason, I walked to the front door. Staring at my reflection in the dark glass. I wonder who's really in there?
A sudden honk, and a huge truck drove by. Their tires hitting a puddle splashing water all over my work uniform.
"You have to be kidding me!!" I frustratedly wiped at the white uniform.
Behind me the door opened behind me, startling me at the sound of someone coughing.
When I turned, it was the man from the café.
"Miss, I'm sorry I heard you yell and I thought something might be wrong?" Worrying stringed along his voice.
"Some asshole just splashed water on me, uh....thank you anyways" my whole being wanted to give into this man, but I didn't know him.
"It's bitterly cold out, being drenched will Cause you to get sick. Please come in, I'm sure I can find you something to wear while your clothes dry," The rasp in his voice enticed me, making my legs weak.
Words didn't even form in my head, I just nodded at him slowly. A sly smile plastered on his face.
This was a very bad idea

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