Chapter 31

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3rd Person's Pov.

Cielo on the other hand just enjoying his work. Beside all he do is to assist Haru inside the kitchen and the shop. But most often in the kitchen because Haru said his more good at Kitchen.

Haru was happy that he and Cielo had spend time again, but she wonders why Cielo often hide on others and never show his face in public.

Is Cielo afraid of the other people? Just like before? Just like before were Cielo/ Tsuna was afraid of all the people In Namimori due to the fact that all of those Bastard hated him calling him Dame-Tsuna.

"Who needs a DAME like him anyway?

That was a question nobody can answer. Yet Cielo was lost already, the day that his parents die his soul, well more like his true self was already lost. All he care now is protecting his famiglia and make them happy, and his happy when he saw his famiglia even though it means of living his family alone.

He doesn't really mind though, all of his life, he don't care anymore. If he dies then he dies, if he lives he will live. And if people hate him, then they will hate him.

His mind is focus now on Becoming the Neo Vongola Primo just like Giotto said, he don't care if he was being loved/ liked. He don't care if someone will ever care for him or not. He don't care about hisself anymore.

"Welcome to the shop." Haru said.

Cielo look at just the corner and saw a customer, it was a boy just like his age but more talker. Ofcourse Cielo small.  The boy has red hair and pale skin.

Deep in Cielo's mind, he already seens this kid before he just can't remember when.

"Hello." The kid/ customer said.

Cielo can sense that this kid is somehow lonely, no more like he was lost. Those eyes, were just something and he can tell that 'that' eyes was in pain and alone.

The kid with red hair went to a table alone and sat their staring at the window blankly. He snap out when Haru approach to gave the menu, the kid said just gave him a hot Chocolate drink to ease his mind.

Now haru went back to the kitchen, Cielo heard everything so he quickly make a one of his special hot chocolate drink, beside haru had all the ingredient on kitchen so his not having a hard time.

When haru gave the the chocolate drink the kid first stare at the drink before sighing heavily. He got the cup and sip it, first reaction was froze.

But a second had pass by and his eyes were sparkling. His eyes went to sparkling one and he had a smile plated in his face he keep siping the chocolate drink making Cielo smile and happy.

When Cielo's job was done, he will help Haru close but he walk away for a little. He need to buy something, but before he did in a corner a dark valley  he heard a  voice.

"Ehi, era solo una data." A man say.

(Translate: Hey it was just one date.)

"No, non voglio." The girl said was pin to the wall.

(Translate: No I don't want to.)

"Non essere una tale cagna la sua unica data." The man said.

(Translate: Don't be such a bitch, its just one date.)

Of course Cielo take the action, he hate the kind of scene all though he now hisself that he could still fight despite he uses his too much sun flames because of the mission Sora27.

So technically, fighting those idiots are not as same as fighting on the mission because his body is tired though.

"Lasciarla solo idiota." Cielo said. All the men attention to him. The girl take this opportunity and run.

(Translate: Leave her alone idiots!)

"E cosa succeded se non lo faccimo?" The man said.

(Translate: What if we don't?)

"Tsk, Non ho bisogno di avvisarti dal momento che lei è andata via già." Cielo said attempt to run away. But stop with a hand and when he turn around a punch was made but he dodge it.

(Translate: I guest I don't need to warn you since she got away already)

Cielo started kicking those men. He and those guys had fought. But Cielo was soft so he just gave them slight of injuries and possible knock then out.

Along the way, he thought that he knock all the man so he let his guard down, but he was wrong. One of the man regain conscious and got a hard metal object and hit Cielo on the head.

Of course Cielo fell down, but he was going to stand up when he realize that he was kick to a wall. His eyes start to dull and his vision went blur. But he wonder, why does he felt 'nothing' with all this beating?

Next thing he know he lost conscious but before that he gave a smirk and thought,

"I'm always use to beatings since I was born. I never even know why I'm still alive yet....I'm so use to pain that I couldn't feel anymore..." Tsuna thought dully before he close his eyes.


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