Chapter 1- Love

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Alone.. That is probably what I am. Probably what I was and probably what I'll always be. Oh well, I guess I'd just have to get used to it.

My name? It's Yamaguchi Emi. "E" for blessing and "Mi" for beautiful. Though I don't think anyone would look at me that way. Well, not that I want anyone to notice me or anything. Love is just stupid and is nothing but an illusion. Take my parents for an example, they had a divorce when I was five. Don't worry though, they're good friends now. There's no such thing as true love.

Even the people who believe in love, they're just stupid, living in their own fantasy, not giving any thought about how wrong they've been all this while. Love can never last, not even if you see that "Loved one" for a hundred years. Love is something that we can do without, why put yourself through all this pain? In other words, love is useless.


author's note : we're back pepes!!
happyxendings_: hellu sorry for not updating but we'll be updating again HAHA
Kunaiwa : hi :D

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