After a few minutes of observing while he commanded his body, he took note at the searing pain slowly dissipate as well.

"W-weird" trying to get the right position and move correctly he instructed his detached body to pick his decapitated head up.

It was easier said than done. He watched his own body crash into walls, bushes, and the trees nearby. Feeling the pain of bumping full force into these things might not be the best experience, so he tried slowly maneuvering his body into walking back to his head.

After a few tries, he finally did it. He picked up his head and tried putting it back up on his neck, but it just slid off once he placed it on.

"WH-WHAT!!??" He shouted, picking up his head once more from the ground.

Looking closely, he noticed how blood was still slightly flowing from his neck. He screamed when the dripping blood formed into string-like materials and tried attaching themselves back to his head.

"Gaahh!!!" He screamed, he tossed his head in shock before his face crashed into a bush. Looking through the shrubbery, he saw the strings droop down and return into its liquid state. "Oh....Oh my god" Izuku gasped, he had to write this down on his notebook. He reached into the shrubbery and picked his head back up, he tried once again to put his head back on his neck. But it slid down once again.

"Damn" he walked back to his head and picked it back up again. "What's wrong!? Why can't I put it back on!?" Walking up to the reflective sim, he examined his neck. Still bloodied and cleaved clean. But what was most strange was the fact that the neck, or what was supposed to be his neck, on his head was completely healed. Save for the fact that his jugular and windpipe were still cut.

"Freaky" Izuku muttered while he carried his head between his elbow and the side of his torso. "Wait wait wait wait..." Izuku said while looking back on his impact position. Blood was still present and was decorating the walls, he panicked. Izuku looked back and forth by using his hands to position his head while he almost squealed in terror.

'How am I gonna clean this all up!?' A thought that horrified him while he took a towel from his yellow, now soaked in blood, bag and one-hand wiped frantically on the walls.

Izuku widened his eyes at what he saw. The crimson liquid that painted the walls and ground formed back into the same string-like material and zipped its way back to the base of Izuku's neck.

Izuku yelped when he felt the ticklish pricks of the stringy material penetrate the remanence of his neck. His back and the towel were ridden of their scarlet shade as well. The headache returned, not from what happened or side effects of him literally trying to jump off a building, but processing this information was taking a toll on his brain cells. It was a little bit too much to process.

A groan escaped his mouth while he trudged through the school grounds. Luckily for him, all the students have left, due to it being a Friday afternoon.

"This won't be good" he muttered while he carried his head on his arms.


"Ey Katsuki, wanna hit the arcade?" One of his cronies asked while drinking a bit of soda.

"Yeah yeah, that sounds good" his second lackey added.

"Ehh. Fuck off, I ain't in the mood for that shit" katsuki said while he took the soda his ""Friend"" was drinking. And taking a moment to compile his sweat on his palms, katsuki set up a small explosion and threw the charred can behind him like it was nothing.

"Hey Katsuki! I was still drinking that!" His crony with devilishly red wings wined.

Making a small cackle in his palms, Katsuki retaliated. "the fuck you gonna do about it? Fatty?"

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