Introduction (Author's Note)

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*NOTE (1/12/15): The Sleeper Queen is undergoing a massive edit/rewrite process. Please keep this in mind as you read this very rough draft, as parts may change/move/vanish.*


Thanks for reading The Sleeper Queen. I wrote TSQ in November of 2011, during NaNoWriMo. NaNo (for anyone who doesn't know) is a challenge for authors, to write a 50,000 word novel within the month. Seems daunting, and in a way it is...but not how you'd think. The novel you complete is not meant to be in its final form, in fact, it is encouraged that writers refrain from making any edits until after the challenge is completed. 

I successfully completed NaNo that year, and began initial edits the following month. However, having recently given birth to my third child less than a month before NaNo 2011 commenced, life got in the way. Scratch that. Life is always in the way, when you think about it. Truth is, I have written many things. Short stories, poetry, songs, and novels. The Sleeper Queen was not the first novel I wrote, but it was monumental in that it was the first novel I finished, if only in a rough, initial format. To edit a completed novel, for some reason, seemed very intimidating...daunting...overwhelming. So after correcting the glaring spelling errors and such, I shelved TSQ, resuming work on it in June of 2012, cleaning up some glaring plot holes and discrepancies. A publisher showed some interest in it, but after nearly a year of waiting after I sent them a sample and synoptic outline, I had no response and correctly assumed that they chose not to publish. Yet again, TSQ got shelved.

About two or three weeks ago, in April 2014, I reopened TSQ and blew the proverbial dust off. Having grown tired of having all these great ideas for novels, only to write them down and put them on a shelf mid-way through the writing process, I decided that I would set myself a goal of having just one novel published, even if I had to self-publish on Amazon or something similar. It was then that I found Wattpad, and figured, why the heck not? 

So please be aware that The Sleeper Queen is a work in progress, and as I go through yet another round of edits, additions, and addendums, I am making what is emotionally (for me) a huge leap. And to see this through, I need your help.

But how can I possibly help you? I think, given the function of Wattpad, you already know. I need feedback. Good and bad. And whether it is good or bad, please make it constructive. Don't tell me you hate it. Tell me why you hate it. Don't just say you love it, tell me why you love it. Highlight passages that make you wonder...and if the story leaves you with questions, I beg of you to ask them.

Above all, I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I hope that you like it.

The Sleeper Queen - Editing/RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now