When are you coming home?

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******** So guys, the last chapter was what happens to Natasha during the first and a little of the second month. But aren't you curious how things went from.............................

Month 1:
"Fury." I say anxiously as I swing his office door oopen. "Rogers." He says clearly annoyed. I don't blame him. After all this is my third time coming or him. And it's only been officially 1 month counting today, since Natasha has left. But hey, I'm desperate. She could be coming back this week. Or soon anyways. "So.... I guess you know what I'm here for." I say as I slide into the chair across from Nick. "Hmp." Fury gives an almost undetectable laugh. "That I do Rogers." He clasps his hands together and puts them in his lap while leaning back in his chair. "Are you really going to me ask then?" I ask bluntly. He raises an eyebrow at me and waits. I give a dramatic sigh. "Any news on Natasha?" Like I said, I've asked him multiple times already. And his response never changes. "That's classified." He says it with a straight face and leans forward. "Fury, I need to know. You said she would be gone for a month or more. And well, it's been a month." I say getting serious and a little out of patience. "Well it hasn't been more." He says fixing my mistake. I push myself up and put my hands on his desk. "Where is she? Can you really not bend the rules so far as to tell me that?!" I hiss. "Captain, the answer isn't going to change. But I'll tell you one more time.." he pauses to stand up a little, meeting my angry gaze. "That's classified." He says it extra slowly. "At least tell me she is safe.... please." I take a deep breath and regain my calmness. "If anything goes wrong that concerns her well being, you will be the first one I tell Rogers. Now get the hell out of my office and don't come back." I know he is being the classic, smart ass, funny Fury. And normally I would have brushed it off. But as I grip the door handle on the way out, I can't deny the big part of me that doesn't believe him.

It isn't even 10 minutes before I walk into my apartment that I hear the knock. I groan and get off the couch. I look through the peep hole and I'm met with Bucky's eye that's pressed right up and close to the hole. "Hey buck." I say as I open the door. "Let's go." He grabs my arm and starts pulling at me. "Um... where?" He looks at me and she's his head. Like I'm stupid. "To the gym. You obviously need to let off some steam." "No no~" I start pulling away but he pulls me outside, closes the door and throws his arm around my shoulder. "Listen Steve. I know you are worried about Natasha. And you damn well should be, shes the best thing that's happened to you. And you have every right to be upset. But you also need to take care of yourself." This time I don't protest or pull away. I just let Bucky lead the way while I appreciate how he always cheers me up and is sincere.

At the gym I go straight to the punching bags. I pick one while Bucky works on the weights next to me. Everything goes fine for a while. Bucky was right. This felt good. Letting off steam. But then I hear a few men conversing in the front of the gym. Just within earshot of me. One man just barley nods in my direction "Hey look it's Mr.America." His posse glacé at me. I pretend to busy myself sending soft punches into the bag. "Isn't he going out with the black widow?" Another man asks. "Yeah. And I thought she was supposed to be back by now." A man joins in. "Hah she ain't coming back." One man piped up. I feel the anger rushing over me. "Whata you mean?" The men simultaneously asked. "A pathetic woman like her? She is weak. Pretends to be strong. But I see through her act. She should be sitting behind a computer not working in the field." A few men laugh and I force myself to listen a while longer. "Yeah a little girl like her atta be dead by now. Someone is probably cutting her weak little self open as we speak. She ain't never coming back." One man says confidently as the others nod their heads in agreement. Anger takes over and I send a fatal punch into the bag sending it and sand, flying across the room. The men turn their heads towards me, shocked. I stalk over to the last man who spoke. When I reach him I bend my arm and use my forearm to pin his next against the wall. I realize that I've lifted him a solid foot off the ground. "What did you say?" I spit at him. "I... said... she ain't.... never .... coming back." He wheezes out. I send a punch straight into his jaw. The other men are too shocked to react. Before I know it Bucky is at my side. "Man come one lets do this the easy way and just talk." I ignore him and send another punch into the choking man. "You're right talking was never your style. Guess were punching ourselves outta this one." Bucky begin fighting with another man. I send a final hit into the man I'm choking and then I drop him to the floor. I start on the one man left. We fight for a while. And when he is about to pass out, already covered in blood, Bucky pulls me off of the man. "She has more brilliance and skills in her pinky then all of you combined." I hiss as Bucky keeps pulling me away. "We gotta go." Bucky says gesturing to the elevator that's about to open. Which means more people are coming. We quickly start running out the doors and through hallways until we get outside.
"So maybe a little to much steam ?" Bucky tries when we get to my apartment. "You're going to get me killed one of these days." I clap a hand on buckys shoulder "thanks for the consideration though."

It isn't until two days later when I hear a knock at my door again. I'm sketching so I start putting my things down. But I guess whoever it is they are very eager to see me because I hear the door getting kicked down. I rush out to the living room. My jaw drops along with the notebook I'm still holding when I see what is waiting for me.

***** is this Steve's doom? Sorry for the cliffhanger. Vote and comment please ❤️❤️

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