Chapter One: The Beginning Of A Reunion

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It was a quiet night in the city that was known for never sleeping; but with hurricane Irene making it's way in, the city was a completely dead. The streets that were often flooded with people running around, was empty. There was no one in sight, the only thing visible at the time was the rain that fall from the sky and beat upon the pavement below.  

As the rain became heavier, Haley heard the rain beating upon her window harder and harder. With nothing but the sound of rain and strong winds, Haley continued to sit up on her bed browsing the web. Listening to a quick update about the storm on her laptop, a smiled lifted upon her face as she finally heard some good news.

"Well folks, it seems like the storm is becoming weaker as it's moving in land. If the rate of this storm continues, tomorrow maybe a rather beautiful day," she heard the meteorologist announce.

"Well isn't that great," she started to say as she closed the news tab. "I may actually be able to drive to Haverstraw tomorrow," Haley said to herself.

While directing her computer mouse to open her Facebook tab, Haley became frighten as her electricity went out. Looking up from her computer screen, the brunette quietly sighed to herself.

"Great," she mumble under her breath, while shutting her computer screen.

Placing her laptop to the side, Haley got up from her bed and make her way over to her kitchen. It wasn't all that far, since she did live in a tiny studio apartment. Once she reached her kitchen, Haley started to search around for some candles. Failing to find any, she decided to give up and crawl back in bed. 

Falling asleep pretty quickly, morning had soon arrive. As some light started to beam in through Haley's window, Haley managed to open her eyes. Groaning as she sat up in her bed, Haley frowned as she rubbed her eyes. Ugh, it's morning already, she thought to herself. It seemed like just an hour ago she had fallen asleep. Looking out the window, Haley noticed that it wasn't raining anymore. As she did, a spark appeared in her eyes. Jumping out of her bed, she ran over to her window and looked outside. There were cars on streets, moving cars. Along with the cars, was people making there way to work.

"YES!"she yelled with excitement while doing a little happy dance.

Haley was never so happy in her life to see busy streets but with the city up and running again, she was finally able to drive to Haverstraw. As Haley did her little happy dance, her excitement soon ended when she spotted the clock that hung on her wall. It was 7:15 already, which only gave her 45 minutes to get ready and to be at work

."Shit," she mumbled to herself as she rushed to the bathroom to get ready. 


"Guys! We need to get a move on it!" Zak yelled as he walked out the bathroom.

"Relax bro, all the equipment is pack," Aaron told Zak while walking past him.

"Good then, let's get moving then," Zak said while watching Aaron carry some of the equipment cases to the door.

"We're waiting for Billy," Nick said while carrying two more cases.

"Why exactly are we waiting for Billy?" Zak asked while going to get the last two cases.

"He went to go get the car," Nick said while standing at the door with Aaron.

"Oh gre-" Zak started to say but Aaron decided to cut him off.

"Yeah. Dude, can we make a Starbucks run?" Aaron asked.

"Really Aaron? Can you even last one day without Starbucks?" Zak asked while shaking his head and placing the cases on the ground.

"I did, yesterday. Remember?" Aaron answered him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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