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    I go down the stairs with Ramona and hop on the couch. Ramona's only aloud to be in between me and Max since there's a 99.9% chance we'll get into a fight if we're an inch away from each other. And plus, its a really good excuse for me to sit next to Ramona.
    We soon decide to watch the Emoji Movie since it was Max's turn to pick.
     Halfway through the movie i feel Ramona's head on my shoulder. I really don't mind and Max already knows i like Ramona a-lot. Although, Max isn't paying attention so that means he won't make any noise. The movie ends and Max's head is resting on Ramona's lap. I then hear my phone chirp.

LolaGirl😘- Hey...u awake??
JMoney🤑- 👍🏻 y??
LolaGirl😘- wanna go 4 🍦🍦🍦??
JMoney🤑- idk...its kinda late

I check the time; 9:45.

LolaGirl😘- please???? We haven't been on a date in like 4ever!!
JMoney🤑- argh!! Fine...Im coming over
LolaGirl😘- sweet awesome ur the best😘❤️😉😊💘💜💙💚
JMoney🤑- sure ok

I tuck my phone away and try to figure out how to get Ramona off me, as much as I don't want her to leave, i gently place her head on a pillow and tip toe to the door, before i crack the door open i hear a voice.
"Jackson? What are you doing?" I turn around and see Ramona rubbing her eyes looking at me.
"Going for a jog." I lied. Ramona looks at me and gets up and puts her shoes on. "What are you doing?" I ask, she slips on her other shoe and says "I'm coming with you." I roll my eyes at her, jokingly as we walk out of the house. The breeze was cold and damp and hit us right as we walked out. I was in long sleeves and a hoodie, while Ramona was in shorts and her thin dance jacket and tank top under. She was shivering, i offer her my hoodie and she shakes her head. "Are you sure? You look like your freezing."

"Yeah, I-I'm sure." She replies, trying not to shiver. I take off my hoodie and give it to her. She gently takes it and hesitantly puts it on, not taking her eyes off me.

"Why are you looking at me so weird?"

"Who, me?" She says, I nod and she just smirks and starts walking. She receives a phone call shortly.

"Hello?.........Oh, hey!..........You do??? Hehe, well now that you see me...........Oh, okay. Ah, okay.......I'm heading to Lola's right now.....Okay, hehe. See you soon........Love you too.........Okay.......Bye." She hangs up and puts her phone in her pocket.

"Who was that? It wasn't my mom or your mom or Stephanie right?" I ask, she laughs at me.

"It was just Bobby." She says and then keeps on walking.

"Are you going to his house??" I ask trying to get eye contact with her.

"No," She simply replies.

"Is he going to Lola's house?" She nods and I just nod back, I wish Bobby didn't have to come, I wish I didn't agree to go, I wish Ramona was still sleeping on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" Ramona asks shutting me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing, it-its nothing." She just nods as we keep walking. Just then we see a car coming at us, the car looked familiar. It was Fernando's car, he rolled down his window and in his Latino accent he told us "Mona, Jaquito, get in." We just follow and hop in the car. Me and Ramona receive text messages from no other than Lola and Bobby.

LolaGirl😘- Jackson, where r u?!
Popko😎- Ramona, ur scaring me...
LolaGirl😘- WHO'S IN THE CAR?!?!?

We couldn't help but laugh at their texts. Fernando looks at us from the car mirror and focused back on the road.
"Um...Papa??? Where are you taking us??" Ramona asks after our short laugh, she's probably considering what Bobby said.
"Don't worry Mona, I'm bringing you home." He replies.
"What??" We both say, did Max see us leave?
"Ya maan, yoy mama's been looking for both of you. Mona, yoy mama called me." He says in half Spanish and half English. Ramona rolls her eyes and says something in Spanish, "Papá, no estamos en España ya. Por lo menos tratar de hablar inglés!" Fernando mumbles something in Spanish. Ramona rolls her eyes again, i stare at her wide eyed. She gives me another look, i just shrug and the car ride home was short but seemed like forever. As we walk in the house we see my mom with Tommy in one hand, Stephanie behind her, and Kimmy with a zebra print onesie and sushi eye mask. They all had one thing in common. They were all mad. My mom looks right at me and hands Tommy to Stephanie and motions me to her. I hesitantly walk over to her as she grasps my wrist and brings me to the backyard. I hear Kimmy, Fernando, and Ramona go upstairs while Stephanie watches Tommy and Max. My mom just stares at me for a very long time.
"Don't even talk Jax," she says pointing one finger up. I listen. "What's up with you? First you're staying up too late for pointless reasons, now you're sneaking out, who knows what you're going to do next!" She looks like she was going to cry when she threw her hands in the air.
"Its...it's...nothing." is all i can reply.
"What's nothing?" She says.
"Nothing! Mom!" I sit down on the bench with my hands covering my face. My mom sits down next to me rubbing my back.
"What's wrong Jax?"
"You can tell me anything you know."
"It's nothing."
"Jackson Fuller."
"What is it?"
"Promise not to tell anyone?"
"I promise."
"Okay, I have a confession to make."
"Go ahead."
"WAIT!! Is this a girl issue??"
"What's a girl issue?"
"Is it a crush?"
"Ok so it is, go on, i won't judge."
"Ok, so...I like Ramona." I cannot believe i just told my mom that. But she had no reaction, no squeal or jaw drop or stare- nothing! Was she expecting this?
"Are you alright?"
"You sure?"
"Ok so i can go now?"
"How does liking Ramona connect to any of you're actions?"
"I'm trying to distract myself."
"Cause, i thought maybe if i can get my mind side tracked on other things i can forget about i dunno liking her."
"But you can't talk to anyone but her."
"You did that."
"Well, you can talk to other people now, but you're still remain with her at all times. I'm sure you won't have a problem with that."
"Really?!!" I can't believe my mom just said that!!
"Thanks mom."
"No problem." We hug for a moment and she turns at me and says "Wait, then why are you dating Lola, Ramona's best friend? If you break her heart it might not end pretty." I shrug and nod then let go from my mom as we head inside.
Once we reach the living room everyone stares at me and mom. Mom just asks for dinner and everyone follows her into tue kitchen except for me and Ramona.
"Hey," i say
"Hi." Ay, will this what our conversations be like for now on?!
"Listen- I" i begin to say, just then her phone rings.
"Hello??........Hey!.........No way!!!!!.......are you serious!??......I don't know yet.......I'll ask my parents......I don't know if I'll go....okay......bye!"
"So Ramona- I" her phone rings AGAIN!
"Sorry Jackson, hold on. Hello??..... Bobby????.........Yeah.........Why?...........really?!......omg I literally am in love with you right now!.......eeeeek!!!!......okay.......yeah, okay love you too!!"
"What was that all about?"
"Oh just about our date this Saturday."
"But aren't you guys double dating with us?"
"Oh my gosh!! I totally forgot about that!!" I just look at the floor.
"So, you're not going??"
"Sorry Jax, i guess not."
"What was it you wanted to tell me??"
"It can wait."

What I was going to say was "Hey Ramona, i just wanted you to know that i know you're dating my best bud and i support you in all you do. But there is something i need to tell you- you're beautiful, smart, talented, kind, funny, loyal, trustworthy, you're my everything and...i really like you."

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